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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: boll · coll · doll · droll · goll
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
roll1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna). Roll. ~anna farraige, rolling seas.
roll2, v.t. & i. Roll. 1. Bairille a ~adh, to roll a barrel. ~adh isteach i bpoll, to roll into a hole. 2. Form into roll. Féar a ~adh, to roll hay.
~eadh a ainm den rolla, his name was taken off the roll.
~ dhamascach, mhangainéise, mhúnla, rollta, thungstain, damask, manganese, cast, rolled, tungsten, steel.
Rolla a ghlaoch, to call a roll.
~ páir, roll of parchment.
~ scannáin, roll of film.
~ tobac, roll of tobacco.
~ leithris, toilet-roll.
~ cíosa, rent-roll.
~ mustair, muster-roll.
~ scoile, school roll(-book).
Bheith ar an ~, to be on the roll, enrolled.
An ~ a ghlaoch, to call the roll.
~ na rí, the roll of kings.
~ liathróide, the roll of a ball.
~ na dtonn, the roll of the waves.
Ainm, rolla, a ~eadh, to call a name, a roll.
~eadh a ainm den rolla, his name was taken off the roll.
Ar ~, rolling, whirling, spinning.
~ féir, stopper made of hay; wisp of hay rolled together.
~ nótaí, roll of notes.
~ reatha, rolling stone.
Ní thagann caonach ar chloch reatha, a rolling stone gathers no moss.
Éadach, páipéar, a chornadh, to roll cloth, paper.
Do mhuinchillí a chornadh, to roll up one’s sleeves.
Rudaí a chornadh ar a chéile, to roll things together.
1. ~ a dhéanamh de rud, to roll up sth.
~ éadaigh, roll of cloth.
~ páipéar, rolled bundle of papers.
~ nótaí, tobac, roll of notes, of tobacco.
Tá na pinginí ar a g~ aige, he is rolling in the pennies, making money fast. (Of person)
~ fuinte, rolling-pin.
~ dhamascach, mhangainéise, mhúnla, rollta, thungstain, damask, manganese, cast, rolled, tungsten, steel.
Rud a chuachadh suas, i gceann a chéile, to roll sth. up, together.
Chuach sí in airde a cuid gruaige, she rolled up her hair.
~ tobac, roll of tobacco.
~ a dhéanamh de pháipéar, de ghruaig, to roll up paper, hair.
Feadán tobac agus ~, roll of tobacco with bit thrown in.
Rolla a ghlaoch, to call a roll.
~a a dhéanamh den fhéar, to roll the hay into tiny cocks.
~ éadaigh, web, roll (of cloth).
An ghunail a chur faoi uisce, to roll gunwale under.
Bhí an t-asal á iomlasc féin, the donkey was rolling.
D’~ a shúile ina cheann, his eyes rolled.
Taos a ~adh, to roll out paste.
Ar ~ na laochra, on the roll of honour.
Bhí an long ag ~adh, the ship was rolling.
Bhí sé ag ~ leis, he was rolling along.
~ a dhéanamh de rud, to roll sth. into a ball.
~a feola, geire, rolls of flesh, of fat.
~ brúite, rolláin, stamping-, rolling-, mill.
~ bréid, flainín, anairte, roll of frieze, of flannel, of coarse linen.
Imeacht ar ~, to roll, whirl, spin.
~anna farraige, rolling seas.
1. Bairille a ~adh, to roll a barrel.
~adh isteach i bpoll, to roll into a hole.
Féar a ~adh, to roll hay.
~ páir, roll of parchment.
~ scannáin, roll of film.
~ tobac, roll of tobacco.
~ leithris, toilet-roll.
~ cíosa, rent-roll.
~ mustair, muster-roll.
~ scoile, school roll(-book).
Bheith ar an ~, to be on the roll, enrolled.
An ~ a ghlaoch, to call the roll.
~ na rí, the roll of kings.
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