Tá sé chomh caol le cú, he is as slender as a greyhound.
~ (fir, mná), tall slender boy, girl.
~í cos, slender legs, pins.
Coim chaol, slender waist.
Chomh ~ le cú, as slender as a greyhound.
Guta, consan, ~, slender vowel, consonant.
Is caol an cheannchosach atá air, he is slender about the ankles.
is, used after noun preceded by cardinal or ordinal number; when preceded by cardinal number, the gs. form is lenited after plural noun ending in slender consonant)
Chomh caol, díreach, le ~, as slender, straight, as a rush.
Ní théann an ~ gearr i bhfad, one can’t get far on slender means.
Lámh ~, long slender hand.
Méara ~a, small slender fingers.
ár with nouns or adjectives ending in slender consonant or slender vowel; hyphenated after
2. ~ buidéil, slender-necked bottle.
~ scine, long slender knife.
bhur, with nouns or adjectives ending in slender consonant or slender vowel)
Com, taobh, ~, slender waist, side.
Cú, each, ~, slender hound, steed.
~ singil, slim and slender.
Seolchrann ~, slender mast.
Coim shingil, slender waist.
Eacha ~e sleamhna, sleek and slender steeds.