Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: ion · maon · meon · mian · min
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
mion1, a1. 1. Small, tiny, diminutive. Prátaí ~a, small potatoes. Sliogáin mhiona, tiny shells. Méara ~a, small slender fingers. Páistí ~a, small children, children of tender age. Cailín ~, small, petite, girl. 2. Fine, powdered. Rud a bhriseadh go ~, to break sth. up small; to powder sth. Gearr go ~ é, cut it small; mince it. Chomh ~ le plúr, le snaois, as fine as flour, as snuff. 3. Minute, detailed. Cuntas ~, detailed account. Cuardach ~, minute search. Idirdhealú ~, fine distinction. Scrúdaigh sé go ~ iad, he examined them closely, in detail. S.a. airgead, minic 1.
mion-2, pref. Small, minute; minor, petty; micro-
~ mion, small change.
Tá mála mine air, he is carrying a bag of meal.
~ mine cruithneachta, (flour) bread containing a mixture of wheaten meal.
~ buí, mine buí, bread containing a mixture of Indian meal.
~ mhine, airgid, handful of meal, money.
~ (mine) coirce, oatmeal porridge.
~ (mine) buí, Indian-meal porridge.
Plúr ~, min chairde, flour, meal, obtained on credit.
Min chaiscín, whole meal.
~ plúir, mine, a hundredweight of flour, of meal.
Thomhais mé Éire ina ~eanna miona, I have stepped every sod of, walked in every corner of, Ireland.
~ aráin, mine rois, mustaird, bread, linseed-meal, mustard, poultice.
~ mhine, airgid, handful of meal, of money.
Cuir ~ mine air, add a handful of meal to it.
Ní féidir le duine a bheith ag ~ agus ag ithe mine, a man can’t whistle and drink at the same time.
~ mhine, meal-worm.
~eadh de réir na mine, to live within one’s means.
Is furasta ~eadh in aice na mine, it is easy to do something if one has the means.
Ag ligean mine amach ar ~, giving out meal on credit (with interest to be charged).
~ mine, coarsely-ground meal.
~ arbhair, mhine, handful of corn, of meal. (Of small quantity)
~ mhine, handful of meal.
~ mhine coirce, mhine buí, oatmeal, Indian-meal, porridge.
Arán, min, loiscreáin, bread, meal, made from singed and ground oats.
~ mhine, mhilseán, handful of meal, of sweets.
~ mine, quantity of meal from grinding.
~ bhuí, Indian meal.
~ choirce, oatmeal.
~ chruithneachta, wheatmeal.
~ eorna, barley-meal.
~ phise, pease-meal.
~ rois, linseed meal.
~ seagail, rye-meal.
~ chalóg, flake-meal.
~ gharbh, coarse meal.
~ loiscreáin, ~ tíortha, meal made from singed oats.
~ sáibh, sawdust.
~ is luaith a dhéanamh de rud, to grind sth. to dust.
Bheith ar do mhine ghéire, to be on the qui vive.
Coinnigh ar a mhine ghéire é, keep him on the jump.
Go mion ~, very frequently.
An ~ is an mion, the great and the small.
~ mine, a measure of meal.
~ mhine, coarse meal.
~ mine, olla, féir, coarse meal, wool, grass.
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