Eoin Fiche a Trí, John the Twenty-Third.
Tháinig Brian an treas ~ orthu, Brian came at them for the third attack.
An Tríú hE~, the Third Estate.
An dá fhionnó, third cousins.
Ar an treas lá de gheimhreadh, on the third day of winter, of November.
Is iad an treas ~ iad, they are related in the third degree; they are second cousins.
~ an leabhair, ~ duilleach, (ruminant’s) third stomach, manyplies, psalterium.
Tá sé sa tríú ~ ar scoil, he is doing the third book, in the third class, at school.
~ an daba, ring, third, finger.
(súile), haw, third eyelid.
Ó agus fionnó, second and third cousins.
Díorthach den treas ~, derivative of the third order.
An tríú ~, the third party.
An ~ de ghaol, relationship in the third and fourth degrees.
An ~ de ghaol, relationship in the third degree.
Tháinig mise ar an treas glúin ina dhiaidh, I was born into the third generation that came after him.
An ~ duine, the third person.
I gceann an ~ lá, an ~ lae, at the end of the third day.
~ de rud, a third part of sth.
~ de na leabhair, a third of the books.
Bhí ~ foirne againn, we had one-third of the staff we needed.
Thug sé ~ a raibh ina sheilbh dom, he gave me a third of all he possessed.
An ~ huair, seachtain, the third time, week.
Scoláirí an ~ bliain, na ~ bliana, the third-year scholars.
An ~ lá déag, an ~ lá fichead, the thirteenth, twenty-third, day.
An ~ cuid de rud, the third part of sth.