Deir lucht staire linn, historians inform us.
~ an dán sin dúinn, recite that poem for us.
An t-~ os ár gcionn, the air above us.
Lig ~ na tine chugainn, let us get the heat of the fire (unobstructed).
Ag ~ orainn, gazing (in wonder) at us.
Ba mhaith againn é, it would be well for us to have it.
Ná tabhair ~ an phobail orainn, don’t draw everybody’s attention to us.
~ gach drochscéil i bhfad uainn, God preserve us from all harm.
Ná bí ~ orainn inár ngníomhartha, do not punish us for our deeds.
A fhad ~ nár tháinig sé chomh fada linn, so long as it did not come near us.
Níorbh áirithe ar thug sé dúinn, what he gave us was not worth mentioning.
~ an dán dúinn, recite the poem for us.
Nuair ab ~ dúinn imeacht, when it was time for us to go.
Chuaigh siad tharainn d’aon rúid ~, they passed us in one rush, rushing all together.
Abair ~ dúinn, scaoil ~ chugainn, give us a song.
Dia idir sinn agus an ~, God between us and all harm.
Tá beirt againn ~, (i) there are two of us, (ii) we are both alike.
Níl siad ~ linn! They cannot compare to us!
Tháinig siad ~ agus aniar orainn, they took us front and rear.
Bhí ~ air linn, he couldn’t do half enough for us.
Bhí sé ~ in aice linn, he was there (on former occasion) beside us.
Bheadh na comharsana ~ orainn, the neighbours would be down on us.
Bhí an sagart ~ orainn faoi na damhsaí, the priest was giving out to us about the dances.
Bhí ~ an gháire air linn, he was beaming, smiling, at us.
Gan ~ dár mbuaireamh, with no one to trouble us.
Chuamar ár mbeirt ann, both of us went there.
Na daoine ar ár g~, the people in front of us.
~ ó Dhia orainn, God save us.
Ár n-aithreacha romhainn, our fathers before us.
I bhfad ó bhaile uainn an t-olc is an anachain; Dia dár réiteach i bhfad ó bhaile, God keep us from all harm.
Ag ~ orainn, watching us closely.
Tá cuid eile againn ar do bharúil, there are others of us who think as you do.
~ an scéal dúinn, give us the exact story.
Ná bí i gcónaí ag ~ orainn, don’t be for ever correcting, criticizing, us.
Is ~ againn atá sásta leis, few of us are satisfied with it.
Ní ~ dúinn a luas, it will come soon enough for us
Bheannaigh sé isteach chugainn, he called in to us, to greet us.
Rug siad an lá uainn, they defeated us.
~ a thuairisc chugainn, bring us tidings of him.
Rug an oíche orainn, the night came on us.
Tá siad ag breith uainn, they are drawing away from us.
Táimid ~ ann; tá ~ againn ann, there are two of us.
Bhíomar ár m~ ann; bhí an bheirt againn ann, both of us were there.
Ag ~ fúinn, jeering at us.
Dá mbeidís go holc dúinn, if they were ill-disposed towards us.
Ag biathú na gcloch orainn, showering stones at us.
Tá an ~ anuas againn, the roof is leaking over us.
Bhris an charraig an ghaoth dúinn, the rock shielded us from the wind.
Níor lig an ~ dó labhairt linn, he was too proud to speak to us.