Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
An bhfuair tú a raibh uait? Did you get all that you wanted?
Is dóigh go raibh rud éigin uaidh ~ é a theacht anseo, he probably wanted something, seeing that he came here.
Cad ab ~ leat díom? What do you want with me?
Fuair sé a mb’~ leis, he got all he wanted.
Is é ab ~ liom a rá, what I want to say is.
Gorta agus ~, hunger and want.
~ agus ampla, want and hunger.
In ~ ruda, in want of sth.
Ná lig ~ ar do pháistí, don’t let your children go in want.
Duine a thógáil as an ~, to relieve s.o. from want.
I lúb an angair, in dire want.
Is fada ~ a thug do chosa thú, you are intruding where you are not wanted.
Tá díobháil an tobac air, he feels the want of tobacco.
~ uaim thú, take yourself off; I don’t want you around.
Bhí uaim labhairt leis, I wanted to speak to him.
Is ~ liom a shásamh a thabhairt dó, I don’t want to give him that satisfaction.
Bhraith sé an ball a bhí uaidh, he spotted the article he wanted.
~ im air nach mian leis teacht, I get the impression from him that he doesn’t want to come.
Ní ag tabhairt ~e air é, not that I want to condemn him.
I ngreim an dá bhruach a bhí sé riamh, he always wanted to take both sides.
~ ab áil leat díom? What would, do, you want with me?
~ chuige a bhfuil sé díom? What does he want with me?
Ná bí ~ is ní bheidh tú gann, waste not want not.
~ is ocras, want and hunger.
Bheith ar an g~, to be in needy circumstances, in want.
An té nach ngoilleann do chás air ná déan do ghearán leis, do not bring your complaints where they are not wanted.
De cheal eolais, for want of knowledge.
(De) cheal nirt, for want of strength.
Níl aon cheal orainn, we want for nothing.
An rud ~ a bhí uaim, the very thing I wanted.
~ eile a bheadh uait? What more would you want?
Tá mé i mo cheolán de dhíobháil codlata, my head is buzzing for want of sleep.
Cad chuige a bhfuil sé díom? What does he want with me?
An rud nach binn le duine ní chluineann sé é, we only hear what we want to hear.
Abair an rud atá ar do chroí, say what you really want to say.
Cronaím uaim iad, I feel the want of them.
~ éadaigh, tine, want of clothes, of fire.
Tagann an ~ i ndiaidh an chaite, waste makes want.
Daoine iad nach bhfuil aon chur isteach le déanamh orthu, they are people who don’t want to be meddled with.
Ní raibh uaithi ach ~í cainte, she only wanted something to talk about.
De cheal sláinte, for want of health.
Cad ab áil leat díom? What do you want with me?
Ba dheacair liom dul thart gan labhairt leo, I didn’t want to pass by without speaking to them.
Díobháil dearcaidh, lack of vision; want of consideration.
~, de dhíobháil, ruda, want, for want, of sth.
Cad é atá a dhíth ort? What do you want?
De dhíth a mhalairte, for want of anything else.