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Similar words: bog · boilg · bolb · boll · bológ
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bolg1, m. (gs. & npl. boilg, gpl. ~). 1. Belly, stomach, abdomen. (a)Do bholg a líonadh, to fill one’s stomach. Tá sé go maith dá bholg, he likes to eat well. Is mó do bhéal ná do bholg, you bite off more than you can chew. Siúl fada agat ar bholg folamh, (to ungrateful person) may you travel far for your next meal. D’anam a dhíol ar do bholg, to sell one’s soul for a mess of pottage. Titim chun boilg, to become paunchy. Gáire a dhéanamh i do bholg faoi rud, to laugh deep down about sth. ~ le gréin a dhéanamh, to sunbathe. S.a. cos 1. (b) Bellyful. ~ tae, pórtair, bellyful of tea, of porter. 2. Bag. ~ soláthair, corpus, miscellany. ~ saighead, quiver. 3. Bulge; broad part, middle. (a)~ loinge, hold of ship. ~ seoil, belly of sail. ~ bairille, bilge of barrel. ~ lampa, bowl of lamp. Fig:~ stoca, fat indolent person. S.a. bata 1. (b)Ar bholg na sráide, an chuain, in the open street, harbour. I m~ na bliana, an tsamhraidh, during the longest days of the year, of the summer. Scíth a dhéanamh i m~ an lae, to rest in the middle of the day. 4. (pl.) Bellows. Boilg gabha, smith’s bellows. Boilg a shéideadh, to blow bellows. F:Shéid sé na boilg, he flew into a rage. 5. Med:Boilg an daorghalair, piles, tumours of haemorrhoids. 6. Vet:Boilg (leanna), waters. Boilg fola, glanders. 7. (Of fish)~ snámha, air-bladder. 8. Bot:(a)~ béice, puff-ball. (b)Tá na boilg ar an líon, the flax is in seed. 9 = boilg1.
bolg2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~adh m, gs. & pp. ~tha). 1. Bulge. Rud a bholgadh, to bulge, swell out, sth. Seolta a bholgadh, to fill, swell, sails. Muinchillí a bholgadh, to puff out sleeves. Balla, carraig, ag ~adh (amach), wall, rock, bulging (outwards). Farraige bholgtha, swollen, heaving, sea. 2. Blister. Péint ag ~adh, paint blistering.
1. ~ allais, bealaidh, boilg, coime, coscáin, muinchille, muiníl, sweat-, grease-, belly-, waist-, brake-, wrist-, neck-, band.
~ brollaigh, ~ boilg, bar of door.
~ boilg, pot-belly.
Is crua a cheannaíonn an droim an bolg, the back must slave to feed the belly, one must work to eat.
~ ar bolg, oppression.
1. ~ boilg, abdominal belt.
~ sa chorp, sa bholg, constipated.
Bhí a bholg ar a chúinne aige, he was gorged (with food, drink).
~ bhoilg, stomach ache.
An rud a thig thar dhroim an diabhail imíonn sé faoina bholg, what is got over the devil’s back is spent under his belly; ill got, ill spent.
Tá sé ina dhiabhal; is é an ~ buí é; tá an ~ istigh ann, ina bholg, he is a devil, the very devil, a real mischief-maker.
~ bhoilg, ghoile, shrill sound in breathing.
Tá ~ bhoilg sa chapall, the horse is broken-winded.
Fir Bolg, Firbolgs.
Tá a bholg ag ~e leis, he has enjoyed his meal.
Do ghoile, do bholg, a ~adh, to fill one’s stomach, eat one’s fill.
Bolg ~, distended, full, stomach.
Tá a bholg ~, he has an empty stomach.
Boilg a shéideadh, to blow bellows.
Bhí sé ag ~ ar a bholg, he was crawling on his stomach.
Lamhnán, bolg, ~, rigid balloon, stomach.
Nuair a bhí ár mbolg teann ~, when our bellies were comfortably filled.
1. ~ boilg, ~ goile, belly-ache, stomach-ache.
~ láir, ~ boilg, mid-thwart.
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