dearg1, m. (gs. deirg, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Red. An ~ agus an dubh, (the) red and (the) black. Tá an ~ feiceálach, red is conspicuous. Cards: An chuid is mó den ~, the highest in red. ~ an dá néal, the first flush of dawn. 2. Her: Gules. 3. Toil: Rouge. 4. Red ink. 5. Undersoil. An ~ a chur in uachtar, to turn up the soil. Níl folach an deirg sna gais, the stalks are too thin to hide the soil underneath. 6. f. (gs. deirge). (Name for) red cow.
dearg2, a1. 1. Red. Dath ~, red colour. Pluca ~a, rosy cheeks. Súile ~a, red, bloodshot, eyes. D’éirigh sé chomh ~ le fuil, he flushed scarlet. Bhí sé ~ ina chuid fola, he was crimsoned with his own blood. Na Fir Dhearga, the Redskins, Red Indians. S.a. báinín 2, bruitíneach 1, buinne1 2 (b), cál1 1, corrán 9, cóta1 2, crobh 2, éan11, feoil 1, fiabhras, saighdiúir 1. 2. Glowing: lit. ~ te, red-hot. An t-iarann ~, (the) red-hot iron, poker. Aibhleog, tine, foirnéis, dhearg, glowing coal, fire, furnace. Tá mo phíopa ~, my pipe is lit. S.a. leac 1(d). 3. Raw. (a) Cneá dhearg, raw wound. Nocht sé an beo ~, it laid bare the raw flesh. D’ól sé ~ é, he drank it raw. S.a. cnámh 1(b), craiceann 1. (b) Talamh ~, turned-up fallow, ground. Cosán ~, beaten track. S.a. fód 4, leaba 2. 4. (a) Bloody. Bhí cogadh ~ ann, there was bloody war; they had a regular set-to. (b) Real, intense. Bhí an t-ádh ~ air, he was in real luck. Mo náire dhearg iad, I am thoroughly ashamed of them. Tá an diabhal ~ air, he is a real devil, torment. Bhí gach aon scread dhearg aige, he was screaming furiously. (c) An t-iomlán ~ agaibh, the whole darned lot of you. (d) Ní raibh aon phioc le fáil de, bán ná ~, there was not a trace of him to be found.
dearg3, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Redden. Do bhéal, do leicne, a dheargadh, to rouge one’s lips, cheeks. 2. Blush, flush. Dhearg sé go bun na gcluas, he blushed up to the ears. Dhubhaigh is dhearg aige, he turned purple; he became all confused. 3. (Cause to) glow, light. Píopa a dheargadh, to light a pipe. Tá an tine ag ~adh, the fire is beginning to glow. 4. Bloody, wound. ~adh ar dhuine, to draw blood from s.o.; to attack s.o. Dhearg sí air, she rounded on him. Dhearg sé a chlaíomh, he fleshed his sword. Ní dheargfadh arm air, he was invulnerable. S.a. bior1 2. 5. (Of soil) Turn up, make fallow; (of path) beat, make bare.
dearg-4, pref. Red; real; intense, utter.
Bhí an t-~ dearg air; bhí an t-~ ina rith air, ina chaipín, he was extremely lucky.
An fiabhras dearg, scarlet fever.
~ dearg, glas, red, grey, flannel.
~ dearg, strawberry mark.
~ ná riabhach, ~ ná dearg, at all.
~ mhara, dhearg, plankton.
Ag deargadh beara ar dhuine, attacking, reviling, s.o.
~ gabhann dearg, red-hot poker.
~ dhearg, German measles.
Dá gcuireadh sé a bhundún (dearg) amach, no matter how he tried.
Go ~ dearg na hoíche, far into the small hours.
Dá gcuirfeadh sé a chaolán (dearg) amach, try as he may.
Tá ~ (dearg) air, his face is flushed (with anger, drink, etc.)
~ (dearg, lín), (kinds of) dodder.
~ (dearg, na seacht n-easna), small scallop.
~ dhearg na fírinne, the naked truth.
~ dearg, glas, gorm, red, grey, sapphirine, gurnard.
Beidh sé ina chogadh dearg eatarthu, there will be out and out war between them.
~ daite, dearg, beaten track.
~ dearg, ~ báinín dheirg, red flannel petticoat.
Bhí sé ina chraiceann dearg, he was stark naked.
Dá gcuirfeá an taobh dearg de do chraiceann amach, no matter how much you may rave and storm.
Níor bhain béim chreabhair dó; ní dhearnadh deargadh an chreabhair air, he came through without a scratch.
~ dearg, geal, gioblach, gorm, (kinds of) crane’s-bill.
An Chros Dhearg, the Red Cross.
Chuir mé dath dearg air, I coloured it red.
Tá sé ag cur leis an dearg, it matches the red.
~ dearg, dubh, red, black, currant.
C~ na Croise Deirge, the Red Cross Society.
~ dearg, donn, red, brown, colour.
~ béil, the rouging of lips.
~ dreacha, reddening of countenance, blushing.
~ maidine, flush of dawn.
~ anoir, eastern glow (in sky).
~ airm, the bloodying of weapons; armed attack. (Of horse)
~ tiaraí, gall produced by tail-band.
Is breá an ~ atá déanta acu inniu, they have turned up a lot of soil today.
6. ~ bear, (i) fire-wheels, (ii) cuckoo wrasse.
~ bhán, dhearg, white, red, deal.