casóg, f. (gs. -óige, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Cassock. ~ (sagairt), soutane. 2. Jacket, coat. ~ fir, mná, man’s, woman’s, jacket. ~ agus sciorta, coat and skirt. ~ eireabaill, swallow-tail coat. ~ mhór, overcoat. 3. Hist: ~a dearga, redcoats. 4. Crust: Carapace.
Cuir casóg ~ thar do shlinneáin, pull a coat over your shoulders.
~ anuas an chasóg sin díot, take that coat off you.
Bhí mo chasóg ina ~ poll, my coat was all in holes.
Chuir sé air a chasóg taobh ~, he put on his coat inside out.
~ cóta, casóige, collar of coat, of jacket.
Cnaipe, casóg, iallacha bróg, a cheangal, to fasten a button, a jacket, boot-laces.
~ casóige, léine, coat-, shirt-, button.
Tá a chasóg ~ leis, his jacket is hanging down, trailing.
Bhí a chasóg ar a chuisle aige, he had his coat on his arm.
Do chasóg a dhúnadh, to button one’s jacket.
~ casóige, léine, coat-, shirt-, sleeve.
Fuaigh ~ i do chasóg, sew a patch on your coat.
1. ~ bríste, casóige, veiste, trouser-, coat-, vest-, pocket.
Casóg ~, threadbare coat.
~ díot do chasóg, unbutton your coat and take it off.
~ casóige, unbuttoning of coat.
Tá ~ a caite ar do chasóg, your coat shows signs of wear and tear.
Tá a chasóg ina ~acha, his coat is in tatters.
Bhain sé ~ as mo chasóg, he tugged at my coat.
Tá mo chasóg ina stráicí, my jacket is torn to ribbons.
~ casóige, padding of jacket.
Guaillí casóige a ~, to pad the shoulders of a jacket.