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gráigh, v.t. & i. (pres. -ann, fut. -áfaidh, vn. grá, pp. -ite). Love. Duine a ghrá, to love s.o. Grá le, to become fond of, affectionate towards. Ní thig liom a ngrá le chéile, I can’t get them to make friends. Níor ghráigh mé riamh leo, I never warmed to them. Gráite do, devoted to, fond of. Gráite don obair, devoted to the work. Gráite dá chéile, devoted to each other.
Tá grá, gráin, aici air, she loves, hates, him.
Grá don ~, grá na hailpe, cupboard love.
~ grá, máirseála, óil, love-, marching-, drinking-, song.
An grá, love.
Cad is grá ~? What is love?
Ar ghrá Dé, ar mhaithe leis féin, for the love of God, for his own sake.
Tá grá, gráin, aithne mhaith, air, he is loved, hated, well-known.
1. ~ a mbí grá Dé, where there is the love of God.
Bíonn a ngrá leo ar bharra a ngéag, they wear their hearts on their sleeves.
Grá ~, abiding love.
Tá ~ acu i ngrá Dé, they are constant in the love of God.
Mo ghrá i g~ tú (agus meadar bhainne agat)! Good for you!
Grá na ~n, love of one’s neighbour.
De ghrá na ~, for company’s sake, in order to be sociable.
Grá a chur isteach ina gcroí, to instil love into their hearts.
Grá gan chúiteamh, unrequited love.
Grá ~, steadfast love.
~ grá, love poem.
Dhoirt sé a ghrá orthu, he poured out his love on them.
Grá ~e, [’love in absence’, love of person one has not seen.
~ an ghrá, the utmost degree of love.
Folaíonn grá gráin, [’love veils ugliness’, love is blind.
Grá ~, secret love.
D’fhuaraigh a ngrá, their love grew cold.
Gáinní grá, pangs of love.
I n~ an ghrá, love-smitten.
A ghrá geal! My dearest!
Grá agus ~, love and affection.
Geasa grá, love spells.
Grá ~, pagan, unholy, love.
Nochtann grá ~, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
~ creidimh, dóchais, grá, act of faith, of hope, of charity.
~ a bheith agat ar, do, dhuine, to love s.o.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to love, bestow love on, s.o.
An ~ a bhí aici ar a máthair, the love she had for her mother.
Bhí ~ acu ar an áit ar tógadh iad, they loved the place where they were brought up.
~ Dé, love of God.
An ~ atá ag Dia dúinn, God’s love for us.
~ tíre, teanga, love of country, of language.
~ na fírinne, an léinn, love of truth, of learning.
~ an tsaoil, love of worldly things.
Tá ~ aige do na milseáin, he loves sweets.
Bheith i n~ le duine, to be in love (with s.o.).
Titim i n~ le duine, to fall in love with s.o.
~ pósta, married love.
Amhrán, scéal, ~, love song, story.
~ na comharsan, neighbourly love.
Creideamh, dóchas agus ~, faith, hope and charity.
~ dia, (act of) charity, alms.
~ dia a bheith ionat, to be charitable.
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