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linn could be a grammatical form of: le »
linn1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~te). Pool, pond; body of water, lake, sea. ~ mhuilinn, mill-pond. ~ éisc, lachan, fish-, duck-, pond. ~ trá, sandy creek. ~ chalaidh, harbour creek. ~ fola, pool of blood. Súile ina ~te deor, eyes flooded with tears. An eala ar an ~, the swan on the lake. Gach breac sa ~, every fish in the sea. Dul thar ~, to cross over the pond, to cross the sea. Tá an fharraige ina ~ abhann, ina ~ lán, the sea is like a mill-pond. S.a. ciúin. Lit: Ba ~ lán Éire dá éis, Ireland was a tranquil place after that.
linn2, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Space of time, period. Cúrsaí na ~e, current affairs; contemporary matters. Idir an dá ~, in the meantime. Lena ~ sin, during that time; at that point, thereupon. Le ~ na hoíche, in the course of the night. Le ~ m’óige, in my youth. Lenár ~ féin, in our own lifetime. An bhean ba bhreátha lena ~, the finest woman of her time. Le ~ na bhfear, since men began. Ar, le, ~ a bháis dó, when he was dying. Bhí sé ar ~ imeacht, he was about to leave. 2. Le ~, because of. Le ~ iad a bheith fliuch, as, because, they were wet.
linn3, f. 1 = lionn. 2. (In phrase) Ghoill sé orm go ~ bhuí na gcaolán, it went to my very heart.
linn4 : le1.
linn5-, pref. Limn(o)-
Deir lucht staire linn, historians inform us.
A fhad ~ nár tháinig sé chomh fada linn, so long as it did not come near us.
Fad na hoíche is ~ linn, we think the night very long.
Níl siad ~ linn! They cannot compare to us!
Bhí ~ air linn, he couldn’t do half enough for us.
Bhí sé ~ in aice linn, he was there (on former occasion) beside us.
Bhí ~ an gháire air linn, he was beaming, smiling, at us.
Tá an ~ linn, we have won.
Le linn ár m~, during our lifetime.
Bhí ~ den ghaoth linn, we had the wind in our side.
Beimid ag bradú linn abhaile, we will slip away home.
Níor lig an ~ dó labhairt linn, he was too proud to speak to us.
Tá an uair, an meán oíche, ~te linn, it is coming near the time, midnight.
Bhí an lá mór ~te linn, the great day was drawing near.
Tá sé ar ~ linn, he is mad at us.
Ag ~eadh piléar linn, spraying us with bullets.
Le linn an chaogadú bliain, na ~ bliana, during the fiftieth year.
Ag caitheamh ~eacha Béarla linn, addressing us in grandiloquent English.
An té is ~ orainn, linn, the person we are concerned about.
Bhí siad mar an g~ linn, they regarded, behaved towards, us in the same way.
Le linn an cheathrachadú bliain, na ~ bliana, during the fortieth year.
An seasfaidh tú linn? Seasfad ~. Will you stand by us? You may count on me.
Chaith siad ~ geatairí linn, they showered missiles on us.
Chomh ~ le linn, calm as a pond.
Is ~ (iad) na linnte lána, still waters run deep.
Is beag an ~ atá aige linn, he is not very favourably disposed to us.
Bhí an chóir linn, we had a following wind.
Choinnigh sé ~ linn i rith na hoíche, he kept us company during the night.
Rinne sé ~ linn, he had a chat with us.
Tá siad ag ~eadh chugainn, linn, they are waving to us.
Chroith siad ciarsúir, bratacha, linn, they waved handkerchiefs, flags, at us.
Níor chuidigh an aimsir linn, the weather was not favourable to us.
Le linn na ~ bliana, an chúigiú bliain, during the fifth year.
Thugamar cuimhneacháin bheaga linn, we brought away little souvenirs.
Má chuireann sé linn is fearrde sinn é, it will be to our advantage if he supports us.
Chúitigh sé ár saothar linn, he repaid us for our trouble, rewarded us for our labour.
Iomlán dá mbaineann linn, all (of those) who are connected with us.
Chaill sé an ~ linn, he lost his sense of affinity with us.
Bhí a oiread againn, ~ linn, agus a riarfadh ár gcás, we had enough, we thought, to provide for us in the circumstances.
Moill ar tí, in aghaidh, le linn, (an) Deabhaidh, more hurry less speed.
~ liom, leat, linn! God bless me, you, us!
Cibé a dhéanfas D~ linn, whatever God has in store for us.
Is ~ an obair nár labhair sé linn, it is very strange that he didn’t speak to us.
Le linn dúinn a bheith ag fanacht leo, while we are, while we were, waiting for them.
Chuaigh siad ar ~ linn, they went all out against us.
Níl siad ag ~adh linn, they are not interfering with us.
Tá siad ag ~im linn, leis an teach, they are drawing near us, near the house.
Tá an uair ~ linn, the hour is at hand.
Nuair nach raibh ~ linn, when we were not expected.
~ nach bhfuil sé linn, what a pity he is not with us.
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