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minic, adv. & a. (comp. ~e).Often, frequent(ly). 1. Rud a dhéanamh go ~, to do sth. often. Go mion ~, very frequently. Go ~~, many many times. ~ go leor, often enough. Chomh ~ is is mian leat, as often as you wish. Chomh ~ lena athrach, as often as not. Tar níos ~e, come oftener. Tú féin is ~e a dúirt é, you yourself said it oftenest. 2. (With copula) Is ~ a bhí mé ann, I was often there. Is ~ riamh a chualamar (go), we have ever so often heard (that). Is ~ trácht air, it is often mentioned. Ba mhinic díomhaoin é, he was often idle. Ní ~ liom é, it is not a thing I often do. Iron:Ba mhinic leis! He often did! Is ~ sin! It often happens, I don’t think! 3. (In substantive phrase) ~ a thig, frequent (and sometimes unwelcome) visitor. 4. Lit:Cuairt mhinic, frequent visit. Creacha móra ~e, great and frequent forays. (Var:comp. )
Is minice an moladh aige ná an cáineadh, he is more given to praise than to blame.
Is minic a bhíos ceann óg gan ~, young people can be insensitive at times.
Is minic a chuaigh ~ thar údar, Homer sometimes nods.
Ní minic a bhíos ~ greannmhar, the poor man’s jokes are seldom appreciated.
Is minic a mhaolaigh béile maith ~, all griefs are less with bread.
Is minic a rinne bromach gioblach ~ cumasach, many a ragged colt made a noble horse.
Is minic a chealg briathra míne cailín críonna, many a prudent girl was led astray with honeyed words.
Is minic fear ~ caillteach, nothing venture nothing win.
Is minic a bhí ~ ciontach, silence often denotes guilt.
Is minic a bhí ~ mall sona, ‘a lagging hound was often lucky’, better late than never.
Bíonn cuirí acu go minic, they often have parties.
Ní minic inár g~ é, he is not often in our company, doesn’t associate with us very much.
Is minic a tháinig an magadh go leaba an ~, what begins as a joke often becomes serious.
Is minic a bhí ~ cailliúnach, never judge by appearances.
Is minic a dhearc béal na huaighe ar bhéal na truaighe, death has often benefited the needy.
Is minic a bhí ~ deireanach, more haste less speed.
Is minic a bhí an fear ~ díobhálach, [’he who comes late has often to go without’, one should not leave things too late.
Is minic a bhí ~ greannmhar, a plain person can be loving too.
Is minic leo cuairt a thabhairt orainn, they often visit us.
Is minic duine ~ lúfar, grey hairs need not signify old age.
Is minic a bádh, a cailleadh, ~ láimh le cuan, there’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.
~ a rinneadh go minic, as was often done.
~ ar mhinic mo chuairt, where I often visited.
Chomh minic is atá ~a orm, as often as I have fingers and toes.
Tiocfaidh sé ~ minice feasta, he will come oftener from now on.
Is minic a ~ sé dúinn, he often helped us out.
Go minic ~, often before.
~ minic, fairly often.
Is minic ~ ó dhaoi, many a foolish father had a wise son.
Is minic leo ~ a dhéanamh ar a mbealach, they often linger too long on their way.
Is minic a tharla a leithéid, such things often happen.
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