oil1, f. (gs. ~e). Lit: 1. Disgrace, reproach; act of reproaching. ~ agus aithis é, it is a crying shame. 2. Blemish, defect. Clú gan ~, unblemished reputation.
oil2, v.t. (vn. ~iúint). Nourish, rear, foster; train, educate. Leanbh a ~iúint, to rear a child. Duine a ~iúint ar rud a dhéanamh, to train s.o. to do sth. Bheith ~te ar rud, to be skilled, proficient, in sth. ~te sa dlí, versed in law. Lámh ~te, practised hand. Prov: Gach dalta mar a ~tear, ‘every fosterling as it is reared’.
oil3 = ail1.
oil4 = oir.
Ag obair, oilte, ar do cheird, working, skilled, at one’s trade.
Is treise ~ ná oiliúint, ‘instinct is stronger than upbringing’.
~ oilte, neamhoilte, skilled, unskilled, worker.
~ i mbia, nourishment in food.
Leanbh a chur ar ~, to send a child to be fostered, reared.
~ choirp agus intinne, physical and mental training.
~ ghairmiúil, mhíleata, professional, military, training.
An choinneal airneáin a chaitheamh, to keep late hours, to talk far into the night; to burn the midnight oil.
Ola choisricthe, consecrated oil.
~ móna, ola, turf-, oil-, burning.
Gual, ola, a dhó, to burn coal, oil.
Ola a chur ~ rud, to oil sth.
Tá sé ~ go maith, he is well-oiled.
Uisce, ola, a ghalú, to vaporize water, oil.
Ní mheascann ola is uisce, oil will not mix with water.
Táirgeadh ~ ola, great production of oil.
1. ~ ae troisc, cod-liver oil.
~ almóinne, oil of almonds.
~ bhealaithe, lubricating oil.
~ bhí, pine oil, turpentine.
~ eoclaipe, eucalyptus oil.
~ lampa, lamp, paraffin, oil.
~ (an) mhíl mhóir, whale oil.
~ mhór, ~ phairifín, paraffin oil.
~ threáiteach, penetrating oil.
~ thriomaithe, drying oil.
~ thuirpintín, turpentine oil.
~ a chur ar, faoi, rud, to oil sth.
~ chaiticiúmanach, oil of catechumens.
4. Canna, clais, cruibhéad, tobar, treoir, vearnais, ~, oil-can, -groove, -crust, -well, -gauge, -varnish.
Péintéireacht ~, oil-painting.
Turgnamh ~, oil-drop experiment.
~ (leictreachais), oil-fired (electricity) station.
Ola, síol, ~e, rape-oil, -seed.