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See the paragraph above, féach an t-alt thuas.
Abutting joint, alt m bun ar bhun.
Gram: The definite article, an t-alt.
Anat: Mec.E: Ball-(and-socket) joint, alt úll is cuas.
F: To boil down an article, alt a choimriú.
By (the terms of) article five, de réir alt a cúig.
Cardan joint, alt m uilíoch.
A chatty article, alt a bhfuil dul an chomhrá air.
Contribution to a newspaper, alt m, dréacht m -a, do pháipéar nuachta.
Mec.E: Cup-and-ball joint, alt úll agus cuas.
Gram: Definite article, an t-alt (cinnte).
An article that embodies the following regulation . . ., alt a bhfuil an riail seo leanas ann...
It falls within article ten, tá sé i gceist in alt a deich.
Fetlock joint, alt an rúitín.
Flange coupling, flange joint, cúpláil, alt m, sceimhle, buinne.
Flush joint, alt m ar cothrom.
Mec.E: Fork joint, alt gabhlógach.
Fresh paragraph, alt nua.
A steep wooded glen, alt m.
Carp: Halved joint, alt m roinnte.
Carp: etc: Hidden joint, alt folaithe.
The project is immature, níl an scéim in alt a curtha i gcrích.
Journ: Inspired paragraph, alt a spreag duine údarásach.
Soldered joint, alt sádráilte.
Universal joint, Cardan joint, alt m uilíoch m.
Mortise-and-tenon joint, alt moirtís agus tionúir.
Ball and socket joint, alt úll agus cuas.
Rheumatism in, of, the joints, dathacha sna hailt.
Out of joint, as alt, as ionad.
At this juncture, in alt na huaire seo.
F: The two are of the same kidney, alt d'aon mhuineál an dís; aon chineál amháin an bheirt.
To rap s.o. over the knuckles, (i) criogaide ar na hailt a thabhairt do dhuine; (ii) a ghnóthaí a thabhairt le hinsint do dhuine.
Cu: Knuckle of a leg of mutton, alt coise caoireola.
First line of a paragraph, céadlíne ailt.
Journ: Money article, alt m airgeadais.
Shoulder out (of joint), gualainn as alt, as áit.
It is part and parcel of it, alt den mhuineál é.
Penalty clause (in contract), alt m éirice.
Everything in its own place, gach rud ina alt féin.
In the preceding article, san alt roimhe seo.
To put out (of joint), (cnámh) a chur as áit, as alt.
To give s.o. a rap on the knuckles, (i) cniog ar ailt na méar a thabhairt do dhuine; (ii) F: an sodar a bhaint as duine.
To rap s.o. on the knuckles, cniogaide ar ailt na méar a thabhairt do dhuine.
To run lead into a joint, luaidhe a dhoirteadh isteach in alt.
Screw joint, alt bíse,
There is a screw loose somewhere, tá rud éigin as alt, lúb éigin ar lár.
Journ: To put an article into shape, bail f a chur ar alt.
Spherical joint, alt sféarúil.
Vet: To splay a horse's shoulder, gualainn capaill a chur as alt.
Straight joint, alt díreach.
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