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athrú could be a grammatical form of: athraigh »
He adapted himself to the change, thit sé isteach leis an athrú.
Decree that aims at altering . . ., reacht atá ag iarraidh ... a athrú.
To alter sth. for the worse, athrú chun olcais a chur ar rud.
Nau: To alter (the) course, an cúrsa a athrú.
He has greatly altered, is mór an t-athrú a tháinig air.
To make an alteration in a dress, athrú a chur, a dhéanamh ar ghúna.
It has not changed appreciably, níl aon athrú le tabhairt faoi deara air.
To make a change, athrú a chur (in, ar).
This journey will be (a bit of) a change for you, déanfaidh an t-aistear seo athrú dhuit.
For a change, mar nuacht, mar athrú.
Physiol: Change of life, athrú m saoil.
To change front, (i) Mil: treo a athrú; (ii) F: iompú, teacht, ar mhalairt intinne (i gcúrsaí polaitíochta).
It was a departure from his usual habits, b'athrú m gnáis aige é.
Fb: To change ends, athrú timpeall.
To change the frequency, réim f na minicíochta a athrú.
Aut: Gate (quadrant), geata m (athraithe giaranna).
To change gear, giar a athrú.
How she has changed! a leithéid d'athrú a tháinig uirthi!
This change was inevitable, chaithfeadh an t-athrú seo teacht.
To make innovations in sth., athrú a chur ar rud.
On account of the irrevocability of the decision, de bhrí nach féidir an bhreith a athrú.
The plan is liable to modifications, is féidir go ndéanfar athruithe ar an bplean.
Times have changed a lot, tá athrú mór ar an saol.
The change is becoming more marked, tá an t-athrú ag éirí níos follasaí.
Everything is in the melting-pot, tá an t-iomlán dá athmhúnlú. i mbéal a athraithe.
Mus: To modulate from one key (in)to another, athrú ó ghléas go gléas.
To throw over the points, na ladhróga a athrú.
To alter (the) course two points to the west, (an) cúrsa a athrú dhá phointe siar.
There has been a general post among the staff, táthar i ndiaidh go leor athruithe a dhéanamh ar an bhfoireann,
Power has revolutionised modern industry, tá athrú réabhlóideach ar thionscail an lae inniu ag na hinnill.
To make a radical alteration in sth., athrú bunúsach a dhéanamh ar rud.
To revise a decision, teacht ar athrú breithe.
Nau: To alter one's route, do chúrsa a athrú.
To alter the running of the trains, amanna na dtraenacha a athrú.
You still look the same, níor tháinig athrú ar bith ort.
F: You want a change of scenery, tá athrú aeir ag teastáil uait.
Shift of the wind, athrú na gaoithe.
Th: To shift the scenery, an radharcra a athrú.
Nau: To shift a sail, seol a athrú.
The wind has shifted, tá an ghaoth athraithe.
The plan is subject to modification, féadtar athruithe a chur ar an bplean.
Subject to alteration, mura ndéantar athrú air.
Sweeping changes, athruithe mpl ó bhun.
F: Sudden swing of public opinion, athrú tobann ar thuairim an phobail.
Rail: Through carriage for ..., carráiste gan athrú go ...
The tide of battle turned, tháinig athrú ar imeachta an chogaidh.
F: He altered his tone, tháinig athrú poirt dó.
To transmute sth. into sth., rud a athrú go rud; rud a dhéanamh de rud.
The wind is turning, tá an ghaoth ag athrú.
F: (Of pers.) To veer round, d'intinn a athrú, teacht ar mhalairt aigne.
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