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Similar words: báille · belle · bible · bile · bilge
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Com: To accept a bill, bille a ghealladh.
Com: Acceptance of bill, gealladh m bille,
Com: Accommodation bill, bille m comaoine.
Account of expenses, bille an chostais.
To back a bill, dul i mbannaí ar bhille.
To make out a bill, bille a dhéanamh suas.
Jur: Bill of costs, bille costas.
Long(-dated) bills, billí faidreathacha.
Bill of exchange, bille malairte.
Nau: Bill of lading, bille luchtaithe.
Bill of sale, bille díolacháin.
Jur: Bill of indictment, bille díotála.
To find a true bill against s.o., glacadh le bille díotála i gcoinne duine.
To bring in a bill, bille a thairiscint (i bparlaimint).
Bill-broker, bróicéir billí.
Parl: Carriage of a bill, rith m bille.
Committee stage of a bill, céim choistíochta bille.
To cover a bill, dul i mbannaí ar bhille; cúl a sholáthar do bhille.
To dishonour a bill, bille a obadh.
To draw a bill, abs.to draw (up)on s.o. for £..., bille a tharraingt ar dhuine ar £...
Bill due on 1st May, bille atá iníoctha, a bhfuil a ré istigh, ar an 1ú Bealtaine.
He effected payment (of the bill), d'íoc sé (an bille).
Com: To endorse a bill, bille a dhroimscríobh.
To endorse back a bill to drawer, 'ar ais chun an tarraingteora' a scríobh ar bhille.
Bill of exchange, bille m malairte.
First of exchange, bille céadscotha.
Com: Expired bill, bille caite.
This bill will never get through, ní dhéanfar dlí choíche den bhille seo.
To get a bill through (Parliament), bille a chur tríd an bParlaimint.
The bill has gone through, tá an bille ina dhlí.
The bill did not go through, níor hachtaíodh an bille.
Note of hand, bille m láimhe; nóta m gealltanais.
Com: Acceptance for honour, bille a ghlacadh ar son clú.
Com: To honour a bill, bille a íoc.
Jur: To ignore a bill, a complaint, diúltú do bhille, do ghearán.
Pol: Bill of indemnity, bille slánaithe.
To knock off the odd pence, na pinginí corra a bhaint de (bhille).
To let a bill lie over, bille a fhágáil gan íoc.
Long bill, bille mór; bille iomarcach.
Fin: To make a promissory note, a bill of exchange, bille m gealltanais, bille malairte, a dhéanamh amach.
Fin: Bill at three months, bille (iníoctha i gceann) trí mhí.
To negotiate a bill, bille a bhriseadh, a aistriú (go hairgead).
To obstruct a bill, toirmeasc a dhéanamh ar bhille.
Bill to order, bille ar ordú.
If the bill passes, má ritear an bille; má déantar dlí den bhille.
Parl: To pass a bill, bille a rith, glacadh le bille.
To pay a bill, bille a íoc.
To present a bill for payment, bille a thairiscint chun a íoctha.
Com: To protest a bill, agóid a dhéanamh i dtaobh bille.
Com: To provide for a bill, soláthar do bhille.
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