It is getting better and better, ag bisiú ar fad atá sé.
A change for the better, iontú m bisigh.
It changed for the better, tháinig iompú bisigh air; chuaigh sé i bhfeabhas; (of weather) bhisigh sé.
The day is improving, tá an lá ag bisiú.
She has greatly improved (in looks), is mór a bhisigh sí ina scéimh; scinn sí amach go breá.
Trade is on the mend, tá cúrsaí gnóthaí ag bisiú, ag dul i bhfeabhas.
The weather is mending, tá an aimsir ag bisiú.
She nursed him back to health, thug sí chun bisigh é.
Premium bonds, bannaí bisigh.
The patient is progressing favourably, tá an t-othar ag bisiú.
The patient is making a good recovery, tá an t-othar ag bisiú go maith.
There is a slight improvement in him, tá iompú beag bisigh aige.
Some days he is better, laethanta, corrlá, bíonn aghaidh bhisigh sor.
He is improving steadily, tá sé ag bisiú leis i gcónaí.
The patient has taken a turn for the better, tá iompú bisigh ar an othar.