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Similar words: caithre · cheithre · crithre · eithre · ceithir
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He can trace his descent above four hundred years, tá ginealach a chine aige siar tuilleadh is, breis is, ceithre chéad bliain.
Four and a half ounces, ceithre unsa go leith.
I.C.E: Four-cylinder block, bloc ceithre shorcóir.
The cardinal points, na ceithre hairde, na príomhairde.
Agr: Four-course rotation, uainíocht f ceithre bliana.
To crawl on one's hands and knees, imeacht, lámhacán, ar na ceithre boinn.
Four-stroke cycle, timthriall ceithre bhuille.
Eighty years, persons, ochtó, ceithre fichid, bliain, duine.
Eighty-five years, cúig bliana agus ochtó, agus ceithre fichid.
He is in the eighties, tá sé sna ceithre fichid, sna ceithre scóir.
Sch: The four faculties, na ceithre dhámh.
Manure fork, graeipe f (cheithre bheann).
The four houses, na ceithre theach, tithe.
Four inches, ceithre orlach, horlaí.
Scattered to the four corners of the earth, scaipthe sna ceithre hairde.
He is four, tá sé ceithre bliana d'aois; tá ceithre bliana aige.
On all fours, ar do cheithre boinn.
Four-figure logarithms, logartaim ceithre figiúirí.
To repay s.o. fourfold, a cheithre oiread a aisíoc le duine, duine a chúiteamh faoi cheathair.
To drive four-in-hand, cóiste ceithre chapall a thiomáint.
Four hundred miles in two hours, that’s very good going, ceithre chéad míle in dhá uair a chloig, is breá an siúl é.
Walking on his hands and knees, ag siúl ar a cheithre boinn.
Four hundred infantry, ceithre chéad coisí.
To divide sth. into four parts, rud a roinnt ina cheithre chuid.
I have not seen him for the last four days, ní bhfuaireas aon radharc air le ceithre lá.
It is four feet in length, tá sé ceithre troithe ar fad.
Three-masted, four-masted ship, long trí chrann, ceithre chrann.
This book measures 6 inches by four, tá an leabhar seo sé horlaí le ceithre horlaí.
He is eighty if not more, tá sé na ceithre scór, má tá sé taobh leis.
Ninety-nine horses, naoi gcapall déag is ceithre fichid.
Ninety persons, deichniúr m agus ceithre fichid.
He is in his nineties, tá sé sna déaga is ceithre fichid.
Four-oared boat, bád ceithre bhuille.
Fourteen years and over, ceithre bliana déag agus os a chionn.
The cardinal points, na ceithre hairde.
The book is priced at four shillings net, ceithre scilling glan fiacha an leabhair.
In quadruplicate, ina cheithre chóip.
The four quarters of the globe, ceithre ranna an domhain.
Quartern loaf, bullóg f ceithre phunt.
I have four remaining, tá ceithre cinn fágtha agam.
Four-roomed house, teach ceithre sheomra.
At eighty he was still a scholar, bhí sé fós ag foghlaim agus é i gcionn a cheithre scór.
Four score years and ten, deich mbliana agus ceithre scóir.
He scrambled up, streachail sé aníos, rinne sé crúbadach aníos (ar a cheithre boinn).
The four seasons of the year, ceithre ráithe na bliana.
The year 4000 B.C., bliain a ceithre mhíle roimh Chríost.
He was thrown back on manual labour, b'éigean dó taca a bhaint as, dul i muinín, a cheithre cnámha.
Four at a time, ceithre cinn in éineacht.
Six votes to four, sé vóta in aghaidh ceithre cinn.
F: To publish sth. with a flourish of trumpets, rud a chur os ard, a fhógairt sna ceithre hairde.
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