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Not one amongst them believes it, ní chreideann oiread agus aon duine amháin acu é.
There are people who believe that, tá daoine a chreideann é sin.
I believe him, creidim é.
Believe me! creid mise dhuit ann!
I believe in God, creidim i nDia.
I believe in one God, creidim in aon Dia amháin.
He would believe the moon is made of green cheese, chreidfeadh sé gur éirigh tú ó mhairbh.
I have come to believe that . . ., creidim anois go . . .
He is a credit to the school, is creidiúint don scoil é.
I dare say, creidim, gach uile sheans.
v.i.To disbelieve in sth., gan géilleadh do rud, gan creidiúint i rud.
I don't believe either of you, ní chreidim ceachtar agaibh.
She shuts her eyes to the truth, ní chreideann sí an fhírinne féin.
It is my firm belief that . . ., creidim go diongbháilte go . . .
You can't imagine it! ní chreidfeá choíche é!
It is incredibly difficult, ní chreidfeá ach chomh deacair leis.
That leads us to believe that. . ., tugann sin orainn a chreidiúint go . . ., tá le creidiúint againn uaidh sin go . . .
I partly believe it, creidim cuid de.
I myself don't believe it, ní chreidim féin é.
Take it from me, beir leat, creid, uaimse é.
You can't think how glad I was, ní chreidfeá ach an t-áthas a bhí orm.
Anyone would think that he was asleep, chreidfeadh, shílfeadh, duine ar bith gur ina chodladh a bhí sé.
F: I don't believe a tithe of what he says, ní chreidim leath ná trian dá ndeireann sé.
You are foolish to believe it, tá tú amaideach má chreideann tú é, agus a chreidiúint.
He said it was not true, which I believe, dúirt sé liom nárbh fhíor é, rud a chreidim.
To take the will for the deed, creidiúint a thabhairt don dea-rún.
I will take your word for it, creidim ar d'fhocal é.
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