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eolais could be a grammatical form of: eolas »
In the absence of definite information, in éagmais eolais chruinn; de cheal eolais.
He was airing his knowledge, bhí sé ag taispeáint a chuid eolais.
Annunciator-board, clár m eolais.
To the best of my knowledge, recollection, ar feadh m'eolais, mo chuimhne.
The blind leading the blind, an dall ag déanamh an eolais don dall; an dall is an bacach, is an dall ar tosach.
That is beyond my compass, tá sin taobh amuigh de réim mo chuid eolais.
Signal flare, tóirse f eolais.
F: He is a fount of knowledge, is é tobar m an eolais é, is é údar m na heagna é.
His knowledge is the fruit of much study, toradh a lán staidéir is ea a chuid eolais.
Until fuller information is available . . ., go dtí go mbeidh breis eolais le fáil . . .
Guiding star, réalta m eolais.
I know something about it, I imagine! tá roinnt eolais agam faoi, déarfainn!
Until we are better informed, go mbeidh a thuilleadh eolais againn.
Information bureau, oifig eolais.
The case was remanded for further inquiry, cuireadh an cás ar gcúl go bhfaighfí tuilleadh eolais.
Inquiry office, oifig eolais.
He knows more than he says, tá níos mó eolais aige ná a ligeas sé air féin.
As far as I know, for all I know, ar feadh m'eolais, go bhfios dom.
He put on a knowing look, chuir sé cuma an eolais air féin.
Lack of knowledge, díobháil f eolais; aineolas m.
To my knowledge, to the best of my knowledge, as far as my knowledge goes, ar feadh m'eolais; go bhfios dom; chomh fada le m'eolas.
With the advance of knowledge, de réir mar atáthar ag fáil eolais; le dul chun cinn na heolaíochta.
F: Guiding light, réalta f eolais.
She knows a little music, tá beagán eolais, eolas beag éigin, ar cheol aici.
He knows very little, fíorbheagán eolais atá aige.
He knows quite a lot about you, tá cuid mhaith eolais aige ort.
For further particulars write to . . ., tuilleadh eolais le fáil ach scríobh chuig . . .
Sign post, finger-post, cuaille eolais.
In pursuit of knowledge, ar lorg eolais, ag iarraidh eolais.
F: His book is a quarry of facts, stór mór eolais a leabhar.
Range of knowledge, réim eolais.
To the best of my reckoning, ar feadh m'eolais.
He is a repository of information, mála eolais é.
F: To allow one's knowledge to rust, do chuid eolais a ligean chun dearmaid.
As far as I can see, ar feadh m'eolais, chomh fada le mo thuiscintse.
Sprinkling of knowledge, smearadh m eolais.
He has a well-stored-mind, tá candam maith eolais ina cheann.
He is a storehouse of information, tá stór mór eolais aige.
A superficial knowledge, creathán beag eolais; eolas fánach.
F: To trot out one's knowledge, do chuid eolais a chur os ard.
Unconversant with sth., ar díth eolais faoi rud; i d'aineolaí ar rud.
F: Well of knowledge, foinse f eolais; (of pers.) stór m eolais.
He kept himself well-informed, níor lig sé puinn eolais thairis.
In well-informed quarters, i measc lucht eolais.
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