To be displeased at sth., with s.o., bheith míshásta i dtaobh ruda, le duine.
As to the disposal of the residue . . ., i dtaobh an rud a dhéanfaí leis an bhfuílleach . . ., mar gheall ar an áit a gcuirfí an fuílleach ...
To dispute with s.o. about sth., argóint, conspóid, a dhéanamh le duine i dtaobh ruda.
To be doubtful of, as to, sth., bheith in amhras, bheith éiginnte, bheith amhrasach, i dtaobh ruda.
To become, wax, enthusiastic over sth., dul le loinne dhíograise i dtaobh ruda.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse, i dtaobh an dlí de ní haon leithscéal an t-aineolas.
To speak feelingly of sth., labhairt i dtaobh ruda (i) go báúil; (ii) go corraithe.
Abs.To find out about sth., eolas a fháil i dtaobh ruda, eolas a chur ar rud.
I am grateful to you for..., táim buíoch díot, faoi chomaoin agat, i dtaobh ...
To give one's judgment on sth., barúil, tuairim, i dtaobh ruda a thabhairt.
There was mysterious talk of . . ., bhí cogarnaíl éigin faoi rún i dtaobh. . .
To pass remarks on s.o., rudaí a rá i dtaobh duine.
Com: To protest a bill, agóid a dhéanamh i dtaobh bille.
Re your letter of June 10th, i dtaobh do litreach den 10ú Meitheamh.
To reconcile s.o. to sth., duine a thabhairt chun sástachta i dtaobh ruda.
To regard sth. with suspicion, bheith san amhras ar rud, bheith amhrasach i dtaobh ruda.
Information relating to a matter, eolas a bhaineann le rud, i dtaobh ruda.
F: I am writing relative to the rent, táim ag scríobh i dtaobh an chíosa.
Questions respecting a matter, ceisteanna i dtaobh scéil.
To be very reticent about sth., bheith an-iontach i dtaobh ruda.
To scruple to do sth., bheith scrupallach i dtaobh rud a dhéanamh.
A sound financial position, staid láidir, theann, i dtaobh airgid.
To tell s.o. about s.o., labhairt le duine, insint do dhuine, i dtaobh duine.
To be uncertain of, as regards, the future, bheith neamhchinnte i dtaobh an ama (atá, etc.) le teacht.