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Similar words: oibrí · oisre · aoire · oibir · oibreán
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oibre could be a grammatical form of: obair »
He is about his task, tá sé i gcionn a chuid oibre.
His work absorbs him, tá sé sáite ina chuid oibre.
He gave an account of himself, (i) thug sé cuntas ina ghníomhartha, ina chuid oibre; (ii) thug sé tuairisc ar a cháilíocht.
That does not come within my activities, ní de mo chuid oibre é sin; ní bhaineann sin le mo ghnóthaí.
To add to my work, mar aguisín le mo chuid oibre.
He is a great admirer of your work, tá meas mór aige ar do chuid oibre.
To allocate duties to people, a gcuid oibre a leagan amach do dhaoine.
To allot a sum of money to, for, certain work, suim airgid a leagan amach le haghaidh oibre áirithe.
Allotment of time, clár ama (le haghaidh oibre, etc.).
Your work is all right, leave it alone, tá do chuid oibre mar is ceart, fág é mar atá sé.
He applied himself to his work, chaith sé dúthracht lena chuid oibre.
He is unable to work and ashamed to beg, níl innimh oibre ann ná éadan déirce air.
To assign a task to s.o., ceann oibre a chur ar dhuine.
To be at work, bheith ag obair, i gceann oibre.
He is greatly attached to his work, tá an-luí aige lena chuid oibre.
To attack a task, dul i gceann oibre, tabhairt faoi obair.
Attentive to one's work, dícheallach, dúthrachtach, furchaí, i gceann do chuid oibre.
Working bee, beach oibre.
He is the best worker, níl aon fhear oibre ann ach é.
To break s.o. into a kind of work, duine a chló le cineál áirithe oibre.
The spirit that breathes through his work, an sprid atá le mothú ina chuid oibre.
F: (Of pers.) To buckle to a task, dul i gceann oibre go miotalach.
Business hours, uaireanta oibre.
To charge s.o. with a task, ceann oibre a chur ar dhuine; ceann oibre a chur de chúram ar dhuine.
The working class, an lucht m oibre.
To commence work, dul i mbun, i gcionn, oibre.
He consecrated his life to his work, thug sé suas a shaol dá chuid oibre.
To cost a job, costas oibre a mheas.
He is up to date with his work, tá sé bord ar bhord lena chuid oibre, tá sé cothrom lena chuid oibre.
He dearly loves his work, tá an-luí aige lena chuid oibre.
F: He's a demon for work, tá an diabhal air chun oibre.
Devoted to his work, leata ar a chuid oibre.
Devotion to work, dúthracht chun oibre.
He entered upon, took up, his duties, chuaigh sé i mbun a chuid oibre.
He is engrossed in his work, tá sé leata ar a chuid oibre, tá sé sáite ina chuid oibre.
Have you had any previous experience? ar rinne tú an cineál sin oibre cheana?
Mec.E: To feed the tool to the work, an uirlis a chur chun oibre.
To put a finish on a piece of work, bailchríoch a chur ar phíosa oibre.
He had sudden fits of industry, bhuaileadh tallanna oibre é.
He is fit for his job, tá acmhainn a chuid oibre ann.
Our method is as follows, ag seo mar leanas ár modh oibre.
He got his work finished, d'éirigh leis a chuid oibre a chríochnú; chuir sé críoch ar a chuid oibre.
Work-girl, cailín oibre.
He's a glutton for work, tá sé fiáin ar fad chun oibre, scafa chun oibre.
In the morning I go about my work, téim in éadan mo chuid oibre ar maidin.
He never did a hand's turn, níor rinne sé buille oibre riamh.
I have a lot of work on hand, tá go leor oibre idir lámha agam; tá go leor ar m'aire.
He is always hard at it, bíonn sé i gcónaí sáite ina chuid oibre.
If you have finished your work, you may go out, má tá do chuid oibre críochnaithe agat, féadfaidh tú dul amach.
The heartiness which he puts into his work, an díocas atá air i gceann a chuid oibre.
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