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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for order out »
order out, v.tr. Ordaím (duine) amach. To order out the troops, ordú do na saighdiúirí teacht amach, glaoch amach ar an arm.
Out of (its) order, as a ord.
The lock is out of order, tá ainghléas ar an nglas; tá an glas as fearas.
To get out of order, dul as cor.
Out of order, as ordú.
To rule sth. out of order, a rialú rud a bheith as ordú.
To roar (out) an order, ordú m a scairteadh amach.
To rule sth. out of order, a rialú go bhfuil rud as ord.
To snap out an order, ordú a thabhairt go giorraisc.
To follow out the spirit of the order, brí f, aigne, an ordaithe a chomhlíonadh.
He thundered out an order to continue, lig sé búir as ag ordú dúinn leanúint ar aghaidh.
Turned out to order, déantar ar ordú, mar a ordaítear.
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