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To act as secretary, obair rúnaí a dhéanamh.
His daughter acts as his secretary, tá a iníon mar rúnaí aige.
He acted as secretary, (i) bhí sé ina rúnaí; (ii) bhí sé in ionad rúnaí.
Honorary secretary, rúnaí oinigh.
To perform the office of secretary, obair rúnaí a dhéanamh.
Private secretary, rúnaí príobháideach.
Secretary of State, rúnaí m Stáit.
I am putting you through to the secretary, tá mé do do chur chuig an rúnaí.
He is secretary to the minister, tá sé mar, ina, rúnaí ag an aire.
Unpaid secretary, rúnaí gan tuarastal, gan phá.
I spoke to the secretary, which person I had known for many years, labhair mé leis an rúnaí, duine a raibh aithne agam air le blianta fada.
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