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Similar words: scor · cór · scar · scód · cor
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There are about twenty of them, tá timpeall is scór acu ann.
Above twenty, thar scór, os cionn scóir.
To settle an account, scór, cuntas, a ghlanadh.
Between twenty and thirty, ó scór go scór go leith.
He is in the eighties, tá sé sna ceithre fichid, sna ceithre scóir.
He has entered upon his sixty-second year, tá sé sa dara bliain is trí scóir anois.
Fb: To equalize (the score), an scór a chothromú.
Fifty years, deich mbliana agus dhá scór; leathchéad bliain.
To foot the bill, an scór a ghlanadh.
Forty-five years, cúig bliana agus daichead, agus dhá scór.
He is forty, tá sé an dá scór.
He is in the sixties, tá na trí scór cnagtha aige.
To mark the game, the points in a game, cuntas a choinneáil ar scór
He is eighty if not more, tá sé na ceithre scór, má tá sé taobh leis.
To notch a tally, eang a chur i mbata scóir.
He has passed the sixty mark, tá na trí scóir sáraithe aige.
F: To put paid to s.o.'s account, an scór a ghlanadh le duine.
To reach the age of sixty, na trí scóir a bhaint amach.
To reckon with s.o., an scór a ghlanadh le duine.
At eighty he was still a scholar, bhí sé fós ag foghlaim agus é i gcionn a cheithre scór.
What's the score? cad é an scór é?
A score of people, fiche duine, scór m daoine.
Two score words, dhá fhichead, dhá scór, focal.
Four score years and ten, deich mbliana agus ceithre scóir.
To score a tally, eang a chur i mbata scóir.
To settle (up) with s.o., scór a shocrú le duine.
Settling (up), glanadh m na scórtha.
F: To shell out one's money, to shell out, an scór a íoc; do chuid airgid a chaitheamh.
He is in the sixties, tá na trí fichid scoite aige, na trí scóir cnagtha aige.
He is something under forty, tá sé beagán faoin dá scór.
To square up with s.o., an scór a ghlanadh le duine.
He is, has, turned forty, tá an dá scór caite, thairis, aige.
About twenty people, suas le scór daoine.
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