between. 1 prep. Idir. (Pron. forms in pl. only: eadrainn, eadraibh, eatarthu). a Between two walls, idir dhá bhalla. No one can come between them, ní féidir le aon duine cur eatarthu, ní féidir iad a dhealú ó chéile. S.a. DEVIL1 1, FIRE1 4, STOOL1 1 b Between eight and nine o'clock, idir a hocht agus a naoi a chlog. Between now and Monday, as seo go Luan. Between twenty and thirty, ó scór go scór go leith. c It is difficult to choose between them, eatarthu atá sé. You must choose between them, caithfidh tú rogha a bhaint astu, rogha a dhéanamh eatarthu. d We bought it between us, cheannaíomar i bpáirt é. e They shared it between them, roinn siad eatarthu é. Between ourselves, eadrainn féin; idir mise agus tusa. 2 adv. He separated them by rushing in between, léim sé isteach eatarthu gur chuir sé ó chéile iad. S.a. FAR-BETWEEN, GO-BETWEEN.
Agreement between powers, conradh m idir cumhachtaí.
There was a war between them, bhí sé ina chogadh eatarthu.
Betwixt and between, idir eatarthu.
He took the bit between his teeth, lig sé leis féin, d'imigh sé ó smacht. S.a. BRIDLE-BIT, CURB-BIT.
There is bad blood, ill blood, between them, tá seandíoltas acu dá chéile.
Break between friends, cogadh m na gcairde.
To choose from, between, them, rogha a bhaint astu.
There is nothing to choose between them, is mar a chéile iad.
A close connection between two things, dlúthbhaint f idir dhá rud.
The closeness of the resemblance between them was remarkable, ba cuid suntais é a chosúla a bhíodar le chéile.
There is a coldness between them, níl siad rógheal dá chéile.
What came between you? cad a tháinig eadraibh?
They hesitated between two courses, bhí siad idir dhá chomhairle.
Pej: Deal between parties, uisce faoi thalamh idir daoine.
To be between the devil and the deep sea, bheith idir dhá thine Bhealtaine.
There is a great difference between them, is fada buí óna chéile iad.
There is not much difference between them, is beag eatarthu.
Abs.To differentiate between two things, idirdhealú m a dhéanamh idir dhá rud.
There is a discrepancy between the two stories, ní réitíonn an dá scéal le chéile.
Distance between tracks, achar idir rianta.
He was divided between hatred and pity, níor threise an fuath ná an trua aige.
There is great difference between doing and saying, ní briathar a dhearbhaíos ach gníomh.
Visits few and far-between, cuairteanna annamha, i bhfad ó chéile.
To be between two fires, bheith idir dhá thine lae Bealtaine.
To fit in between two things, slí a fháil idir dhá rud.
To foster friendship between peoples, muintearas m a chothú idir ciníocha.
There is friction between them, tá easaontas eatarthu, níl siad ag teacht le chéile.
Gap between the curtains, oscailt idir na cuirtíní.
To get in between two people, dul idir beirt.
To grind sth. between one's teeth, rud a chogaint faoi na fiacla.
F: A feeling of hate grew up between them, d'éirigh faltanas eatarthu.
There is not a hair's-breadth between them, níl barr ribe eatarthu.
To heal the breach (between two people), carthanas a athshnaidhmeadh idir beirt.
Between her and the wall, idir í agus an balla.
Between here and Derry, idir seo agus Doire.
To hesitate between two courses, bheith idir dhá chomhairle.
Between him and the wall, idir é agus an balla.
To hover between two courses, bheith ag braiteoireacht idir dhá chomhairle.
Ten miles intervened between the two towns, bhí deich míle idir an dá bhaile.
Difference of level between two objects, éagothrom airde dhá rud.
Road that lies between two hills, bóthar a ghabhann idir dhá chnoc.
Between life and death, idir bás is beatha.
A cigar between his lips, todóg ina bhéal aige.
F: There is no love lost between them, níl siad an-gheal dá chéile.
Midway between ... and . . ., leathbealaigh idir . . . agus . . .
F: To be between the upper and the nether millstone, bheith idir dhá thine Bhealtaine; bheith idir teach an diabhail agus teach an deamhain.
To make mischief between two people, imreas m a chothú idir beirt.
Between now and then, idir seo agus tráthas; idir dhá linn.
To draw a parallel between two things, dhá rud a chur i gcomórtas, i gcosúlacht, le chéile.
Words passed between them, thug siad aibéil chainte dá chéile.