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He imagines that he is all and all to the business, sileann sé gurb é féin bun agus barr an ghnó.
To discharge pus, braon a shileadh.
Abs.To discharge, sileadh.
Her hair is down, tá a cuid gruaige léi síos, ar sileadh léi.
Her hair is hanging down her back, tá a gruaig ag sileadh siar síos léi.
v.i. (Of water, vessel, etc.) It drains (away), sileann, taoscann.
Mch: Drip receiver, mias shilte.
Water falling drop by drop, uisce ag sileadh anuas braon ar bhraon.
Clear honey, mil shilte.
Med: Issue of blood, sileadh m, tabhairt f, sceitheadh m, fola.
(Of dog) To loll out its tongue, a theanga a ligean ar sileadh thar a bhéal.
To loll out, bheith ar sileadh amach thar an mbéal.
(Of rope, etc.) To hang loose, bheith ar sileadh, ar sliobarnaíl.
To lop (over), bheith ar sileadh, ar sliobarnaíl.
His nose was running, he was running at the nose, bhí sileadh lena shrón.
Ulcer that runs, othras atá ar sileadh.
(Of rope) To hang slack, bheith ar sileadh.
Sloping shoulders, guaille buidéil, silte.
To strain off the vegetables, na glasraí a shileadh.
To shed tears, bheith ag sileadh na ndeor.
A dropped thread (in weaving), snáithe silte.
Watering of the eyes, sileadh m súl; uisce le na súile.
I'm weak with hunger, táim silte leis an ocras.
(With cogn. acc.) To weep tears, deora fpl a shileadh.
Weeping willow, saileach shilte.
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