Crystallized fruits, torthaí mpl criostalaithe.
Dried fruits, torthaí tíortha.
Stewed fruit, torthaí mpl stofa.
Green fruit, torthaí glasa.
The fruit grown in that neighbourhood, na torthaí a fhásas sa cheantar sin.
Fruit salad, sailéad torthaí.
The fruit is set, tá na torthaí déanta.
Mth: Similar products, torthaí cosúla.
Com: Soft fruit, torthaí boga,
Sound fruit, torthaí folláine.
To stone fruit, na clocha a bhaint as torthaí.
Sp: Telegraph (board), clár torthaí.
To weigh (up) the consequences of a deed, torthaí gnímh a mheas.
Branch weighed down with fruit, craobh faoi ualach torthaí.