Tá an teach in ~ aige, he has eaten all the food there was in the house.
Sna ceithre hairde (fichead), in all directions.
Chuaigh siad tharainn d’aon rúid ~, they passed us in one rush, rushing all together.
Éan an ~, (i) storm petrel, (ii) person who is out in all kinds of weather.
Ar ór na cruinne, (not) for all the gold in the world.
Ní raibh ~ aige ach é féin, he was all alone in the world.
Bhí mo chasóg ina ~ poll, my coat was all in holes.
I rith mo bheart, in all my experience.
Sa bhith críoch, in all the world.
Bhreathnaigh sé faoi agus thairis, he looked all around him, noted everything in sight.
Bhí ~ mór faoi, he was in a great rush, all excited.
I bhfianaise ~, in the presence of all.
Déan é dá gcailltí choíche thú, do it at all costs, or perish in the attempt.
~eadh ar gcúl, soir siar, iad, they were hurled back, in all directions.
Níor cheadaithe liom ar ór na cruinne é, I would not wish it for all the gold in the world.
Tá a chiall is a chéadfaí aige, he is in possession of all his faculties; he is in his senses.
I g~, go g~, don teach uile, so that all in the house heard.
Fear i gcumas a chnámh, a man in all his strength, a full-grown man.
I g~ don bhaile, for all in the town to hear.
Bhí ~ ball, ~ cos is lámh, air, he was trembling in all his limbs.
Ar ór na ~, for all the gold in the world.
Tá an leabhar ~tha agam, I have gleaned all the information there is in the book.
Níl tús ná ~ air, (i) it is in a state of chaos, (ii) he is all confused, can do nothing right.
Fuair sé in aon ~ amháin é, he got it all together, in one amount.
Bhí gach uile dhreas acu air, they were all at it in turn.
Bhí ~ orthu ag imeacht, they went off all in a flurry.
Bheith gan ~ gan daoine, to be all alone in the world.
5. As ~, (i) one by one, (ii) in (rapid) succession, indiscriminately, (iii) all together.
Sciurdann éan as gach ~, ‘a bird darts out of every flock’, exceptional characters are to be found in all communities.
Dá ~ sin is uile, in spite of all that.
2. Ar ~, in length; entirely; all along, always.
I bh~ is a bheith istigh i rith an lae, compared with being in all day.
Tá sé ina Oisín i ndiaidh na Féinne, na bhFiann, he is all alone in the world, all his people are gone.
Go bhfionna cách do dhúthracht, so that all may see whether you are in earnest.
Is ~ punt, an t-airgead, ór na cruinne, é, it is worth a pound, the money, all the gold in the world.
Ag obair ~ is tirim, ~ fuar an lá, working in all weathers.
Is é a fhor is a fhónamh é, it is all he ever does, all he is interested in.
~ a bheith fút, to be in a rush, all activity.
Níl ~ ann, it is no use, all in vain.
Béarfaidh sé ~ gach fir ar lúth, he will exceed all men in agility.
Faoi iomlán a cuid ~, in all her adornments.
A raibh de ghuaiseacha ina oirchill, all the dangers that lay in wait for him.
Tá féar go hinsí cnoc aige, he has all kinds of grazing, grass in plenty.
~ gach labhartha leat, good luck to you in all you say.
Tá ~ ar gach aon rud, there is moderation in all things; there is a limit to everything.
Ba mhóide a áthas an scéala a fháil in am, he was all the more delighted that he got the news in time.
Ar ~ nó ar talamh, in heaven or in earth, in all creation.
Ar ~ na cruinne, (not) for all the gold in the world.
Tá sé ina phrúiseach phraiseach, it is all in a mess.