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~ chainte, back-chat.
~ a thabhairt, (i) to make a submission, (ii) to give back-chat
Ar ~, back; again.
Cuir ar ~ é, send, put, it back.
Ar ~ arís, back again.
~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to answer back; to give impudence to s.o.
Seasaigí ~ uaidh, stand back from him.
Ag ~ thart, looking around, back.
An seomra cúil, the back room.
~ as cúlseomra, out of a back room.
~ as a scornach, from the back of his throat.
Ar a ghlúine, ar shlat a dhroma, on his knees, on the flat of his back.
Ar ~ a dhroma, high on his back.
Ar ais ~, back again; all over again.
Cuir ina áit féin ~ é, put it back into its own place.
Tá sé chuige féin ~, he has recovered; he is back to normal.
Tháinig siad ar ais ar a n-~, they retraced their way back.
Ag iompú agus ag barriompú, turning back and forth.
~ eile seanchainte uait, give no more back-answers.
As go ~ leis, off he went (as though he would never turn back).
Fill thar do bhráid, turn back.
Breathnú siar ar do shaol, to look back over one’s life.
Breathnú síos, suas, siar, amach, to look down, up, back, out.
~ droma d’ualach, back-breaking load.
Tá an obair ~ againn, we have broken the back of the work.
Bhain sé slat a bhuailfeas é féin, he has cut a rod for his own back.
Siar go ~, back to source.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, he bent, hunched, his back.
Chaill mé slat an iarraidh sin, I was set back a yard that time.
Ag ~eadh daoine gan ábhar, ar chúl a gcinn, censuring people without cause, behind their backs.
~eadh ar gcúl, soir siar, iad, they were hurled back, in all directions.
~eadh siar iad, they were thrown, forced, back.
~ an droma, small of the back.
Níor chas sé orainn ó shin, he hasn’t come back to us since.
Go gcasa Dia an tsláinte ort, may God give you back your health.
Is crua a cheannaíonn an droim an bolg, the back must slave to feed the belly, one must work to eat.
Ag ceiliúradh ón obair, backing out of the work.
Níl ~ aige ar rud ar bith, he keeps, is keeping, nothing back.
~ siar a bhaint as duine, to set s.o. back a step.
Bhí sé ag céimniú roimhe, anonn is anall, he was striding along, back and forth.
Is é mo chianchuimhne é, it is as far back as I can remember.
Thit sé ar chlár a dhroma, he fell on the flat of his back.
Fuair sé ~ sa chúl, he was struck in the back.
Rud a choimeád siar, to keep back, to withhold, sth.
Níor choinnigh aon duine cúl air, nobody held him back.
~ siar, keep back, withhold.
~ cloiche, ridge of rock; sharp-backed stone.
Na deora a chosc, to keep back tears.
Filleadh ar do choiscéim, to turn, walk, back.
Thug mé ~ a bhuille dó, I returned his blow, struck him back.
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