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bliana could be a grammatical form of: bliain »
Ó dheich mbliana ~, from ten years onwards.
Tá an talamh sin ~ le trí bliana, that land has been in lea for three years.
Mo chuid d’~ na bliana, my share of trouble for the year.
~ go ceann bliana, for a year from now.
Síol na bliana ~, last year’s seed.
Trí bliana ar chéad, one hundred and three years.
I mbliana, this year.
I m~ na bliana, an tsamhraidh, during the longest days of the year, of the summer.
~ an ama, na bliana, most of the time, of the year.
D’iarr sé ~ bliana orthu gan cath a chur leis, he asked them for a year’s respite from battle.
Lón caite na bliana, the year’s supply.
Trí bliana is ~; trí bliana ~d, fifty-three years.
Le linn an chaogadú bliain, na ~ bliana, during the fiftieth year.
Lá cinn bhliana, last day of year.
Le linn an cheathrachadú bliain, na ~ bliana, during the fortieth year.
~ bliana déag, ~ bhaile dhéag, fourteen years, fourteen towns.
Uair i g~ na bliana, once a year.
~ uaire, bliana, most of an hour, of a year.
Chónaigh siad ar feadh bliana ann, they lived there for a year.
Le linn na ~ bliana, an chúigiú bliain, during the fifth year.
Is sine de chúig bliana é ná mise, he is five years older than me.
I n~ na bliana a rugadh thú, you are always late.
Bhí ~ eile i mbliana ann, there was another born this year.
~ na bliana, the dark months of the year.
Sa ~; i n~ an gheimhridh, na bliana, in the depth of winter.
In ~ na bliana, yearly.
~a na bliana, the year’s mortality.
Tá suim eile ag éirí duit ag deireadh na bliana, another sum falls due to you at the end of the year.
Mí na Bealtaine ~ na bliana, (the weather in) the month of May makes or mars the (crops of the) year.
~ cheann bliana, in a year’s time.
~ bliana, a year’s growth.
Ar ~ bliana, for the space of a year.
D’fheall na barra i mbliana, the crops failed this year.
~ na bliana, the annual rainfall.
Tháinig an aimsir mhaith go ~ i mbliana, the good weather came at the proper time this year.
2. ~ dubh na bliana, the dead of winter.
~ bliana, yearling (calf).
~ dubh (na bliana, na Nollag), (short dark days in) dead of winter.
Tá ~ maith aige i mbliana, he has a good crop (of corn) this year.
I mbliana, (in) this year.
Leanbh i g~ a bhliana, a year-old child.
Bhí sé i g~ a dheich mbliana d’aois, he had reached ten years of age.
Beidh ~ i mbliana ar Ghráinne Mhaol, Granuaile’s descendants will rise up this year.
In ~ an lae, na seachtaine, na bliana, daily, weekly, yearly.
Ionchais na bliana, the prospects for the year.
Bhí lón bliana ~ againn, we had laid in a year’s supply.
Bhain sé ~ na bliana asainn, it took us a whole year.
seachtaine, bliana, week’s, year’s, supply.
Bhí ~ bliana air, he was laid up for a year.
~ na bliana, the year’s abundance.
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