Cad ab ~ leat díom? What do you want with me?
Ag iarraidh ~ na súl a bhaint díom, trying to hoodwink me.
Baineadh an ~ díom, I lost my breath; I was dumbfounded.
Bhain sé an t-ocras díom, it relieved my hunger.
Bhain sé codladh na hoíche díom, it left me unable to sleep at night.
Bhain sé an chaint díom, it left me speechless.
Bhain sé punt díom orthu, he charged me a pound for them.
Bhain tú Dia díom, you came between me and God.
Bhain sé an doras díom, he got to the door before me.
Bhí gach ~ díom brúite, I was bruised all over.
Bhain sé an ~ díom, he excelled me.
Níor fhiafraigh siad díom an raibh ~ orm, they offered me nothing to eat or drink.
Ag iarraidh ~ a bhaint díom, trying to fleece me.
~ díom, release (your grip on) me.
Ní raibh mé ~ díom féin, I was dissatisfied with myself.
~ ab áil leat díom? What would, do, you want with me?
~ chuige a bhfuil sé díom? What does he want with me?
Baineadh an chaint díom, I was left speechless.
Chun aghaidh a chaoraíochta a bhaint díom, to save me from his wrath.
Chuir mé an ~ sin díom, I survived that struggle, got over that illness.
Cé is moite díom féin, except for myself.
Mura fíor é bain an ~ díomsa, you may take it from me that it is true.
Rinne sé ~ díom, he knocked me in a heap.
Cheistigh sé díom cá raibh mé, he asked me where I was.
Cad chuige a bhfuil sé díom? What does he want with me?
Rinne sé ~ díom, he beat me into the ground, beat me hollow.
Mura fíor é bain an chluas díomsa, bain barr na cluaise díom, you may take it from me that it is true.
Shíl sé ~ máireach go mbainfeadh sé díom é, he thought he would take it from me whether I wished it or not.
Ná bain an ~ díom, don’t flay me with your tongue.
Chuimil sé sop na geire díom, he wiped my eye.
Rinne sé ~ an mháilín díom, he got the better of me completely (in fight, argument).
~fidh mise díom féin é, I’ll get rid of him.
Rinne siad ~ díom, they made much of me.
Tá an ~ seo le cur díom agam, I have to get this job finished.
Bhain tú an ~ púicín díom, you opened my eyes for me.
Cad ab áil leat díom? What do you want with me?
Rinne sé stangaire díom, he left me speechless.
Go ndéana, go ndéanfadh, Dia ~ díom (díot, etc.), not in any circumstances, never.
Bhí daoine ~ díom ann, there were others there besides me.
Dlitear díom é, it is incumbent on me; I owe it.
Tá mo cheann ag éirí díom, I have a violent headache.
D’ith siad an fheoil anuas díom, they lacerated me with their tongues.
Tá sé ag ~áil lastuas díom, it is overcoming me.
Tá siad ag déanamh gnáthaimh díom, they make a habit of coming to me, to my place.
Ghreamaigh sé díom, ionam, ar feadh an lae, he stuck close to me all day.
D’~ sí an aghaidh díom, she ate the face off me.
Bhí mé ag cur mo lae díom, I was passing the day.
Chuaigh sé ~ díom leis, he did, said, it behind my back.