Is iomaí lá de mo chuid allais aige, I worked many a hard day for him.
Tá an lá, an obair, ~ orm, my day, my work, is wasted.
Tá tú ag ~eadh na saoire, you are breaking the Sabbath, working on a holy day.
Lá ~, (i) day of broken weather, (ii) broken work-day.
~ ag an obair, tar éis an lae, exhausted from work, after the day.
Tá lá mór oibre os mo choinne, there is a big day’s work confronting me.
Níor chuir sé ~ crua dá chnámha riamh, he never exerted his bones, never did a hard day’s work.
Lá ~ oibre, average day’s work.
~ den lá, den obair, part of the day, of the work.
Táimid i g~ chothrom leis an lá, we have done a fair day’s work.
Lá crua oibre a chur isteach, to put in a hard day’s work.
Ag obair d’oíche is de lá, working by night and by day.
Lá ag obair agus lá ~, working one day and idle the next.
Rinne mé ~ leis mar go raibh lá mór oibre roimhe, I gave him something extra (to eat) because he had a hard day’s work ahead of him.
Chaith sé an lá ag feamnú, he spent the day working with, spreading, seaweed.
Lá ~ oibre, short day’s work.
~ an lae, the day’s work, chores.
~ oibre, seilge, níocháin, day’s work, hunting, washing.
Lá ~a, (i) a working day, (ii) a day’s work.
1. Ball troscáin, obair lae, cluiche cártaí, a mhilleadh, to spoil an article of furniture, a day’s work, a game of cards.
Lá ~ oibre, great day’s work.
Sáraithe ón lá, exhausted after the day’s work.
~ an lae, the day’s work.
Lá oibre, a day’s work; a working day.
Sé lá na seachtaine a oibriú, to work a six-day week.
Do lá a oibriú, to do one’s day’s work.
Tá sé ar a phá lae, he works for a daily wage, is employed from day to day.
Níl ~ ionam tar éis an lae, I am exhausted after the day’s work.
~ Dé ar an obair lae sin! If that is a day’s work, then God help us!
Lá ~ a dhéanamh, to take a day off from work.
Tá an lá saothraithe agat, you have done a hard day’s work.
Lá a chur sa ~, to score up, complete, a day’s work.
Ag obair sé lá na ~e, working a six-day week.
Níl agam le seasamh air ach corrlá oibre, I have nothing to rely on but an odd day’s work.
Ní raibh ~ lae oibre air, he didn’t miss a day’s work.
Bhí mé tnáite ón lá, I was jaded after the day’s work.
Lá oibre a thógáil ort féin, to take it on oneself to do a day’s work.
Níor thóg sé ceann as an obair ar feadh an lae, he remained bent over his work all day.
~te i ndiaidh an lae, worn out after the day’s work.
Tá mé faoin ~ ar na saolta seo, I am heavily burdened with work these days.