~ mhairbh, dress for the dead.
Gan ~ gan urlabhra, comatose; dead.
~acha na marbh, na bhfíréan, the souls of the dead, of the just.
Chomh marbh le h~, stone dead.
Tá an fharraige ina ~, the sea is dead calm.
2. ~ ina sheasamh, ~ gorm, dead-and-alive person.
Ag guí ar son na m~ agus na marbh, praying for the living and the dead.
Ní fheicfidh tú é lena bheo ná lena mharbh; ní fheicfidh tú a bheo ná a mharbh, you will not see him alive or dead.
Níl a fhios agam an ~ nó marbh dó, I don’t know whether he is alive or dead.
Ní chuirfidh mé ~ ar na mairbh, I will not gainsay the dead.
Is úr iad broibh go Nollaig, the dead season really begins at Christmas.
~ bhaithise, mhaoth, strip of dead person’s skin used in witchcraft.
An bhuíon is mó, the majority, the dead.
Na mairbh a chaoineadh, to mourn, lament for, the dead.
Is iomaí lá ag an g~ orainn, we will be dead long enough.
Tá an fharraige ina ~, the sea is dead calm.
~a na marbh, the bones of the dead.
Níor chroith sé cos, crúb, ní ba mhó, he never moved after that, he was quite dead.
Níl ~ ann, there is not a squeak out of him, he is dead to the world.
Níl ~ an tsagairt ann, he will be dead before the priest comes.
Na mairbh a chuimhneamh, to remember, pray for, the dead.
~ a dhéanamh, to lament (as for the dead); to cry excessively.
Tá an ~ marbh anois, both are now dead.
Dá mba dhual do na mairbh a bheith beo, if it were possible for the dead to live.
A chuirfeadh ~a an earraigh ar gcúl, which would bring dead things to life in the spring.
Éirí ó mhairbh, to rise from the dead.
Tá siad marbh le ~ riamh, they have been dead for a long long time.
Guí fhairsing ar son na marbh, a general prayer for the dead.
Ní raibh ~ ná comhaireamh aige, there was no sign of life in him; he was dead drunk.
Tá sé in áit na ~ anois, he is [’in the place of truth’ now, gone to his judgment, dead.
Nuair a bheidh siad féin ~, when they themselves are dead.
Ní raibh sé fuaraithe nuair a bhí siad ag troid faoina chuid, he was hardly dead when they began to squabble over his property.
2. ~ dubh na bliana, the dead of winter.
~ dubh (na bliana, na Nollag), (short dark days in) dead of winter.
Na ~a dubha, the short dark days in dead of winter.
Ag gol ar na mairbh, os cionn na marbh, weeping over the dead.
Ag guí le hanamacha na marbh, praying for the souls of the dead.
I gcuimhne na marbh, in memory of the dead.
Tá an t-~ go bhfuil sé marbh, it is reported that he is dead.
Ní fhágann marbh ~, dead men tell no tales.
Paidir le hanamacha na marbh, a prayer for the souls of the dead.
~ na marbh, the book of the dead.
Go dté ~ os mo chionn, till I am dead and gone.
Tá ~ lena cheann, he is dead and buried.
Bhí an fharraige ina ~, the sea was dead calm.
Paidir i leith na marbh, a prayer for the dead.
Díreach ar ~, dead level.
Bhí ~ na gaoithe orainn, the wind was dead against us.
Bheith ~ dáiríre, to be in dead earnest.