Fiche troigh ar ~, twenty feet in height.
Ná bíodh do chos ~ agat mar sin, don’t have your foot stuck out like that.
Rugadh ~ air, he was caught on the wrong foot.
~eadh (dá chosa) sa doimhneacht é, he was taken off his feet in the deep water.
Bhain sé an dealg as mo chos, he removed the thorn from my foot.
~eadh dá chosa, dá threoir, é, he was taken off his feet, put off his stride.
~eadh mo chosa uaim, I was taken off my feet.
Ó bhaithis (an chinn) go bonn (na coise), from head to foot, all over.
Tá mé i mo bhambairne (ag cos thinn, ó cailleadh an capall orm), I am in a predicament, frustrated (with a sore foot, since I lost my horse).
Tá sé ag an doras, ar an urlár, sa tine, faoi do chos, it is at the door, on the floor, in the fire, under your foot.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
Níor bhog sé cos, he didn’t stir a foot.
Faoi bhoinn do chos, under the soles of your feet, underfoot.
Duine a chur, a thógáil, ar a bhoinn, to set, lift, s.o. on his feet.
Tá mé ar mo bhoinn ó mhaidin, I have been on my feet all day.
Tá sé ar a bhoinn arís, he has recovered his health, he is on his feet again.
Tháinig sé anuas ar a bhoinn, ar bhoinn a chos, he fell on his feet.
Ná gabh amach i do bhoinn, don’t go out in your bare feet.
Duine a bhaint, a chur, dá bhoinn; na boinn a bhaint ó dhuine, to knock s.o. off his feet; to trip s.o. up.
Thug sé do na boinn é; bhain sé as na boinn é, he made off (on foot); he walked, ran, as fast as his legs could carry him.
Ar aon bhonn, on equal footing.
Bheith ~ ar aon le duine, to be on equal footing, terms, with s.o.
Lán do bhonn d’áit éigin a fháil, to get one’s feet firmly planted somewhere.
Duine a chur ó bhos go ~, to wait hand and foot on s.o.
Tá mo chosa ~ fúm, I am foot-weary (from standing, walking).
Ná ~ mo chos, don’t crush my foot.
~ síos le do chos é, beat it down with your foot.
Níor chuir sé cor dá bhuarach, he didn’t stir a foot.
Tá sé ina bhuimpéisí, he is in his stockinged feet; he is on his uppers.
~ staighre, leapa, foot of stairs, of bed.
Fad is a bhí ~ ortha, whilst they were established, on their feet.
11. De bhun, on foot of, in pursuance of.
Faoi bhun an bhalla, an chrainn, beneath, at the foot of, the wall, the tree.
Bhunaigh sé an ráfla sin le holc orm, he set that rumour on foot to spite me.
Tá ~ reilige ann, he is club-footed.
~ na coise, small of the foot, ankle.
Ceangal na gcúig g~ a chur ar dhuine, to bind s.o. hand and foot.
Ó tá ~ ár gcos againn, since we are foot-loose.
~ coise, foot (from ankle).
~ chugat do chosa, pull in your feet.
Thug sé léim cheathairchosach, it jumped with all four feet.
Lámh, cos, a chiorrú, to maim a hand, a foot.
Is fearr ~ ná spadaí, it is better to be left-handed than heavy-footed.
Ní bhrisfeadh sé ~ faoina chos, (he is so light of step that) he would not break a twig under foot.
~ ar easair a dhéanamh de rud, to trample sth. under foot.
Níor chis sé ar a chos leonta fós, he hasn’t been able to stand firmly on his sprained foot yet.
~ a dhéanamh de rud, to trample sth. under foot; to make a mess of sth.
~ ar lámh, ar chos, deformity of hand, of foot.
Cos chithréimeach, deformed foot.