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Cairdeas a ~eadh idir dhaoine, to reunite people in friendship.
~ i gceann oibre, i gcairdeas, persevering with work, in friendship.
Mar sin a rinne siad a g~ agus a gcumann le chéile, it was thus they pledged their friendship with each other.
~ cairdis, bond of friendship.
~ cumainn, carthanais, sign of attachment, of friendship.
~ a cheangal le duine, to join in friendship with s.o.
~ a bhriseadh, to break off a connection, a friendship.
Carthanacht a dhaingniú, to cement friendship.
~ fáilte, cainte, carthanachta, coldness of welcome, of speech, of friendship.
Cairdeas a ghabháil ó dhuine, to accept s.o.’s friendship.
~ carthanachta, the exercise of friendship.
Níor ~ an cairdeas eatarthu riamh ó shin, their friendship has never since diminished.
Duine a thabhairt chun muintearais, to win the friendship of s.o., to conciliate s.o.
~ gaoil, carthanachta, tie of blood, of friendship.
Cairdeas saoil, lifelong friendship.
~ fírinne, carthanais, cirt, denial of truth, of friendship, of right.
~ chairdis, bond of friendship.
Cairdeas a shnaidhmeadh idir dhaoine, to bind people together in friendship.
Grá, carthanacht, a thabhairt, to give love, friendship.
~ bronntanas, carthanachta, bestowal of gifts, of friendship.
~ éigin agam air, I can approach him with some confidence; I have some claim to his friendship.
~ i gceann cairdis, a return to friendship.
~ do charaid ar do chuid, dont betray friendship for gain.
~ cairdeasa, renunciation of friendship.
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