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~ airgid, céille, lack of money, of sense.
(De) cheal gan misneach a bheith aige, because he is lacking in courage.
Ar aon chois, (i) on one leg; one-legged, (ii) lacking half one’s resources.
Cailleadh é de dhíobháil misnigh, he was lost through lack of courage.
Díobháil dearcaidh, lack of vision; want of consideration.
~ airgid, aire, céille, lack of money, of care, of sense.
Níl ~ leabhar orthu, they have no lack of books.
~ céille, lack of sense; foolishness, folly.
Cuid an daimh den ~, ‘the ox’s part in the milking operations’, absolute lack of concern with proceedings.
~ eolais, na fírinne, absence, lack, of knowledge, of truth.
Bheith in ~ ruda; rud a bheith in ~ ort, to lack sth.
1. Rud a bheith in ~, d’~, ort; ~ ruda a bheith ort, to lack sth.
~ airgid, eolais, lack of money, of knowledge.
Ar ~ éadaigh, só, lacking clothes, comfort.
Díobháil eolais, lack of knowledge.
Duine gan ~, person lacking depth or stability.
Lámh ~, closed hand; lack of generosity.
Gann in ~, lacking in intelligence.
Ná cáin é ar ~ a aoise, don’t condemn him for his lack of years.
~ ar obair, defect, lack of finish, in work.
Ar an ~, free from want, lacking nothing.
Bheith ~ as rud, to be distrustful of, to lack confidence in, sth.
Bhí ~ orm, I was drowsy from lack of sleep on previous nights.
Bheith ar bheagán ~, to lack means; to be in a poor way.
~ connaidh, lack of firewood.
Gan ~ tréithe, not lacking in talent.
Ar ~ céille, lacking in sense.
~ i rud, lacking, deficient, in sth.
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