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mór- could be a grammatical form of: ór »
mór-5, pref. Great(-), grand(-), main(-), giant, major; general.
Mór1, f. (gs. Móire).(pr. n. used in phrases)Is leor do, ó, Mhór a dícheall, one can only do one’s best. Cailín ag ~ is ~ ag iarraidh déirce, Mór has a maid and yet Mór has to beg, anything to keep up appearances.
mór2, m. (gs. móir, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Great; much, many. (a)An ~ is an mion, the great and the small. A mhór de dhaoine, a lot of people. A mhór de mhaoin, a great deal of property. Is ~ a chonaic é, many have seen it. (b)A mhór a dhéanamh de rud, to make the most of sth. Sin agat é, agus déan a mhór de, there it is, and you must do with it. 2. Friendliness. ~ a dhéanamh le duine, to make up to s.o. 3. (a) Pride, vanity. Tá an ~ ann, he is proud, boastful. (b) Great person; proud person. An ~ a cheansú, to tame the proud.
mór3, a1. (comp. ).Big, great, large. 1. (a) Large in size or extent. Balla, crann, cnoc, ~, big wall, tree, hill. An teach ~ dearg, the big red house. Gort, ceantar, ~, large field, district. Airde, doimhneacht, mhór, great height, depth. Ag éirí ~, getting big, growing, increasing. An ceann ~, the big, the bigger, one. Tá na bróga ~ agam, the shoes are too big for me. Tá sé níos mó ná a athair, he is bigger than his father. S.a. lus, rón1, síolta1, snáthaid 2,4. (b) Large in quantity, amount, number. Barr ~ cruithneachta, big crop of wheat. Suim mhór airgid, big sum of money. Scata ~ daoine, big crowd of people. Teaghlach ~, large family. Teacht isteach ~, big income. An seomra is mó spás, the most spacious room. Is tú is mó saothrú againn, you are the biggest earner among us. (c) Great in degree, intensity, etc. Lá ~ oibre, great day’s work. Brú ~ uisce, great press of water. Fonn ~ cainte, great desire to talk. Buille ~, heavy blow. Pian mhór, intense pain. Torann ~, loud noise. Earráid mhór, grave error. Cáil mhór, wide reputation. Biseach ~, marked improvement. Difríocht mhór, substantial difference. Is ~ an scéal é, (i) it is a remarkable story, (ii) it is a great pity, a great loss. Nuair is mó an greann, when the fun is at its height. Ba mhó an mhuinín a bheadh agam asat féin, I would have greater confidence in yourself. (d) Main, principal. An doras ~, the main door. An tsráid mhór, the main street. Bealach, bóthar, ~, highway. An chúis is mó atá leis, the principal reason for it. Is é an locht ~, is mó, atá agam orthu (go), the chief fault I find with them is (that). (e) Senior, older, grown-up. Na scoláirí ~a, the senior pupils. An bheirt mhóra dá chlann, the two older members of his family. Daoine ~a agus páistí, grown-up people and children. Brian M~, Brian Senior. S.a. sagart. (f) Important, notable. Ócáid mhór, great occasion. An cluiche ~, the big game. Ball ~ den chumann, an important member of the society. Tá post ~ aige, he has a big job. Duine ~ le rá, notable person. S.a. fiú14. (g) Distinguished, famous. Na filí ~a, the great poets. Fir mhóra na linne, the great men of the time. Alastar M~, Alexander the Great. (h) Noble, magnanimous. Intinn mhór, great mind. Tá dearcadh ~ aige ar an saol, he has a broad outlook on life. Bean an chroí mhóir, the great-hearted, generous, woman. (i) Proud, conceited, boastful. Tá sé ~ as féin, he has a high opinion of himself. Is ~ an fear as a shinsear é, he brags a lot about his ancestry. Is ~ an focal é, that is saying a great deal. (j) On a large scale. Feirmeoirí ~a, large farmers. Comhlachtaí ~a tobac, big tobacco companies. Táirgeadh ~ ola, great production of oil. (k) (As distinctive epithet) Baile ~, town. An ladhar mhór, the big toe. Cóta ~, overcoat. An fharraige mhór, the open sea, the ocean. An Bhreatain Mhór, Great Britain, S.a. athair11, druma 1, máthair 1(a), tír 4, (l) Addicted to, fond of. Fear ~ comhrá, peile, a great man for conversation, for football. Pótaire, banaí, rógaire, ~, great drinker, lady-killer, rogue. Focal ~ acu é, it is a favourite expression with them. Ba mhór an cleas aige é, it was a great trick of his. (m) Long. Aois mhór, great age. Le bliain mhór anois, for a whole year now. (In counting) Dosaen, céad, ~, long dozen, hundred. (n)(Of elements) High, wild, stormy. Gaoth mhór, high wind. Bhí farraige mhór ann, the sea was running high. Tá an lá ag éirí ~, it is getting to be a wild day. Rinne sé oíche mhór aréir, it was very stormy last night. Tháinig an uair mhór orainn, we were caught in the storm. (o) Friendly. Bheith ~ le duine, to be on friendly terms with s.o. Ná bí ~ ná beag leo, don’t be too friendly or too distant with them; have little to do with them. (p) Pleasing, important (ag, to). Is ~ ag Dia an charthanacht, charity is pleasing to God. Is ~ aige an leabhar sin, he values that book. Ba mhór ag a chéile iad, they meant a lot to each other. (q) Excessive, too much (ag, for). Tá sé ~ agam mo shaol a chaitheamh leis, I can hardly be expected to spend all my life at it. Bhí sé ~ agat a bheith ag caint mar sin, you shouldn’t have taken it on yourself to talk like that. Níl rud ar bith ~ aige, he stops at nothing. Ní ~ liom duit é, I don’t begrudge it to you. Iron:Is ~ sin! It doesn’t matter. 2. (As adv.) (a)Go ~, greatly, considerably. Loiteadh go ~ é, he was badly injured. D’athraigh siad go ~, they have changed greatly. Is fearr go ~ an ceann seo, this one is much better. (Intensifying) Go ~ moch, very early. Go ~ fada, by a long stretch. Go ~~, especially. (b)Is ~ a bhisigh sé, he has improved greatly. Is ~ eatarthu, they are widely different. Is ~ air é, it is a great blow to him. Ba mhór liom fearg a chur air, I didn’t like to anger him. Ní mó leis ann ná as iad, he doesn’t care whether they are alive or dead. Agus ní ~ thairis sin, and not much more than that. An ~ é? How much is it? An ~ atá uait? How much, many, do you want? (c)Ní ~ (do), it is necessary (for). Ní ~ a bheith aireach leis, it is well to be careful with it. Ní ~ misneach (chun), it takes courage (to). Ní ~ do dhuine ciall a bheith aige, one must have sense. Níor mhór dom imeacht, I had to go. (d)Nach ~, almost. Punt nach ~, nearly a pound. (e)Ní ~ nach, almost. Ní ~ nach gcreidim é, I am inclined to believe it. Ní ~, níor mhór, nár thit sé, he nearly fell. (f)Ní mó ná (go), hardly. Ní mó ná go bhfuil a fhios agam, I hardly know. Ní mó ná sásta a bhí sé, he was not very pleased. (g)Is mó is ~ liom é, I think it is rather big. Ba mhó ab fhada liom an lá, the day seemed long in passing to me. Is mó is giorra liom é, I think it is too short. (h) (After negative statement) Ní mó (ná), neither. Ní mó ná sin is féidir glacadh leis (go), no more than that can it be accepted (that). Ní mó rachadsa, neither will I go. (i)Níos mó, any more. Ná déan sin níos mó, don’t do that any more. Ní ba mhó, thenceforth. D’fhan siad ann ní ba mhó, they remained there from that on. Níor labhair sé ní ba mhó, he spoke no more. (j)Mó de = móide1.
mór4, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha).1. Magnify; exalt, extol. Ag ~adh ainm Dé, glorifying God’s name. 2. Increase. Ag ~adh a stóir, increasing his store. 3. Lit:(Of festival) Celebrate. 4. (With as) Boast about. Ag ~adh as a chlann, bragging about his children. 5. (With ar) Begrudge to. Ní á mhóradh ort atá mé, it is not that I begrudge it to you.
mór6 = mothar2.
Is mór an spórt é i mbaile gan ~, it is great sport for those who have nothing better to do.
An t-amadán is mó idir ~ is uisce, the greatest fool on earth.
~ an bhaile mhóir, the gaiety of the city.
Is mór acu Seán, they have a great regard for Seán.
Bhí aois mhór aige, he was very old.
Bhí sé mór againn imeacht air, it was too much to expect that we should leave without him.
Chonaic mé ag teacht é ~ cóta mór air, I saw him coming and he was wearing an overcoat.
Cam díreach an ród is é an bealach mór an t-~, ‘the longest way round is the shortest way home’.
Is mór dá ~ atá orm, I deeply regret it.
~ mór, ard, high Mass.
Níor mhór duit ~ láidir a bheith agat chun féachaint air, one would need a strong stomach to look at it.
~ mhór, gaoithe móire, stormy weather.
Ní hé is mó atá ar m’~, that is not what concerns me most.
Thug sé ~ mór air, he paid a lot of money for it.
Ba mhór an ~ dom é, it would be very handy for me.
Bhí ~ mhór air, a large sum was taken up in offerings at his funeral.
Ó na bailte móra ~, apart from the towns.
Tá sé an-mhór, it is very big.
Ní mó ná go bhfuil an ~ inti, she is at her last gasp.
~ mór, tosaigh, sheet-, bower-, anchor.
Tá sé mór dá ~, ina ~, he is big for his age.
Tá ~ mhór aige, he is a great age.
ar mhuir na beatha, ar chíos mór, on the sea of life, at a high rent. Eclipses in a few instances, e.g.
Tá cúram páistí, muirín mhór, orthu, they have children to care for, a large family to support.
~ mór, críonna, grandfather.
Is mór a d’~ an tír, the country has changed a lot.
Tháinig ~ mór ort le bliain, you have greatly altered in the past year.
Is mór an ~ air é, it is a great blow to him.
~ mór, town.
Lucht ~ mhóir, townspeople.
Saol an bhaile mhóir, town, city, life.
Cíos, cáin, luach mór, a bhaint amach, to exact a rent, a tax, a high price.
Bhain sé aois mhór amach, he lived to a great age.
Bhí ~ mór air, there was a great party at his christening.
Tá sé ina bhall mór acu, he is an important person among them.
~ mór, main wall.
~ mór é, he is very fond of the women.
~ (mhór) de theach, large unadorned house; barn, barrack.
An ~ is an mór, great and small; young and old.
A bheag nó a mhór de rud, some amount of sth.
Bhí a bheag nó a mhór de thrioblóid leis, it was troublesome to some extent.
Déan do bheag is do mhór de, make what you like of it.
Níl as béal an bhig is an mhóir ach é, everybody is talking about it.
Ní túisce mór le chéile iad ná ~, they are no sooner friendly than unfriendly.
Tá sé i m~ na tíre, an tsaoil, an tslua, an bhig is an mhóir, everybody is talking about it.
~ mór, highway.
Cuireadh chun bealaigh, chun an bhealaigh mhóir, é, he was sent off, sacked.
Fágadh, cuireadh, ar dhroim an bhealaigh mhóir iad, they were left homeless, driven out on the road.
Is mór sa bhealach thú, you are in everybody’s way.
An ~ Beag, Mór, the Little, Great, Bear.
~a Chathaoir Mhóir, (the various branches of) the descendants of Cathaoir Mór.
~ Sheáin Mhóir, Seán Mór’s descendant.
Cailín ag ~ is ~ ag iarraidh déirce, Mór has a maid and yet Mór has to beg, anything to keep up appearances.
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