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mór- could be a grammatical form of: ór »
He went a long way about, chuir sé timpeall mór air féin.
About as big as it, tuairim ar chomh mór leis.
Much ado about nothing, gleo mór ar bheagán cúise.
He lives above his means, is mó a mhála ná a sholáthar.
He is all abroad, tá dul amú mór air; tá seachrán trom air.
He was conspicuous by his absence, thabharfadh an saol mór faoi deara nach raibh sé ann.
He accommodated himself to the circumstances, rinne sé a mhór dá dhóigh.
It would be a great accommodation to me, ba mhór an deis, an áis, dom é.
To turn sth. to the best account, a mhór a dhéanamh de rud.
He is held in account, tá meas mór air; tá urraim mhór dó.
Wide acquaintanceship, aithne mhór.
There is an active demand for wool, tá ráchairt mhór ar an olann.
Add V.A.T., móide cáin bhreisluacha.
He is a great admirer of your work, tá meas mór aige ar do chuid oibre.
Harbour that admits large ships, cuan atá inseolta ag longa móra.
Without (any) more, without further, ado, gan níos mó saothair.
She had an affair with an Englishman, bhí sí mór le Sasanach tamall.
I was very much affected by it, chuir sé as dom go mór.
Afflux of strangers, brú mór strainséirí.
Don’t do that again, ná déan sin níos mó.
I found him greatly aged, chonacthas dom go raibh an aois tite go mór air.
He put on airs with me, rinne sé duine mór de féin os mo choinne; bhí sé ag cur gothaí air féin liom.
He has greatly altered, is mór an t-athrú a tháinig air.
It is very annoying, is mór an crá é.
Rowing is one thing, sailing is another, is mór idir iomramh agus seoltóireacht.
He is not very anxious to learn, níl fonn mór foghlama air.
F: Is he anybody? an mór le rá é?
I fully appreciate all you have done, is mór mo mheas ar a ndearna tú.
Centre arch, áirse mhór.
Heavy artillery, gunnaí mpl móra.
He is a great asset to them, is mór an cúnamh dóibh é.
It's no great asset, ní áirge mhór ar bith é.
Feast of the Assumption, Lá Fhéile Muire Mór (san Fhómhar).
I am astonished that. . ., is mór an t-ionadh liom go . . . .
To be deeply attached to s.o., bheith mór le duine.
Method attended by great difficulties, dóigh a bhfuil deacracht mhór ag baint léi.
He was very attentive to her, bhí sé ag déanamh cúraim mhóir di.
Great auk, an fhalcóg mhór.
Ounce avoirdupois, unsa mór.
That is far and away better, is fearr sin go mór (ná...).
Major axis (of ellipse), mór-ais.
He has broken the back of the work, tá poll mór curtha san obair aige.
The back streets of the town, cúlsráideanna an bhaile mhóir.
The house backs on the high road, tá cúl an tí leis an mbóthar mór.
Bad mistake, dearmad mór.
He took it very badly, ghoill sé go mór air, ghlac sé go holc é.
Badly hurt, gortaithe go mór.
The Great Barrier Reef, An Líonán Mór.
A whole batch of letters, dornán mór litreacha.
Battle royal, cath mór; greadadh m.
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