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making could be a grammatical form of: make »
~ dea-dhuine, the makings of a good man.
~ file, scoláire, the makings of a poet, of a scholar.
Tá réidhe an achair anois leis, he is making good progress now.
Ag carnadh airgid, making heaps of money.
Ag imeacht lena ~, making off with his bundle, swag.
Tá sé ina ~ agat, you are making a song of it.
Tá ~ ort, you are making a nuisance of yourself.
Ag breith as, making off.
Tá an duine bocht ina cheap magaidh acu, they are making a laughing-stock of the poor fellow.
Ag ~adh chun siúil, making a move to go.
Tá ~ ort, you are making a silly mistake, making a fool of yourself.
I m~ a ghnó, making a start with his work.
Bhí sé ag cur dá bhuacán, he was making an outcry.
Ag ~ (ar a, le, chéile), making faces (at each other).
Ag déanamh stocaí caite, making stockings to wear, for family wear.
Ag ~adh airgid, making piles of money.
Bhí sé ina cheap magaidh acu, they were making him a butt for ridicule.
Ag déanamh ceoil, making songs, verses.
Ag ciorrú chun an tí, making straight for the house.
Ag ~ do dhuine, making things awkward for s.o.
Tá na pinginí ar a g~ aige, he is rolling in the pennies, making money fast. (Of person)
Ag déanamh ~, doing what is prohibited, making mischief.
Chros sé an focal i mo bhéal, he prevented me from making my statement; he contradicted me flatly.
Bhí sé ag cur ~í air féin (chugam, liom), he was making faces (at me).
5. ~ éadaigh, making, fitting, of clothes.
Oíche na dála, (on) the night of the match-making, of the betrothal.
Tá gleo ~ agaibh, you are making an infernal din.
~ rí, the makings of a king; a royal heir.
Tá sibh ag ~amh amadáin de, you are making a fool of him.
Tá ~ oibre orainn, we are making a late start, are behindhand, with the work.
Ag ~, making mischief.
Ag ~, making clever, witty, remarks.
Níl na barra ag déanamh mórán ~a, the crops are not making any notable progress.
Ag ~ le duine, making up to, trying to keep in with, s.o.; philandering.
Tá sé ag dul ar ~ ort, you are making a mess of it.
Bíonn siad ag ~áil dom (do mo bhualadh, ag magadh orm), they keep at me (beating me, making fun of me).
Long ag ~adh roimpi, a ship cutting ahead, making great way.
Ag ~, fighting, contending; making a noise, an uproar.
Ag ~, making a noise, fussing.
Ag ~, making sounds, making a noise, vociferating.
Tá siad ag gnóthú go maith orainn, they are making well out of us.
Bhí fearg air faoi go raibh siad ag déanamh gleo, he was angry because they were making noise.
Ag ~ (chun a chéile), making stinging remarks (to one another).
Ag ~, making shoes, boots.
Scéalta ~e, marriage, match-making, rumours.
Ag ionsaí abhaile, making for home; coming near home.
Is beag ~ a bhíomar a dhéanamh air, we were making little progress with it.
Bíodh sé le mo ~ nó le m’aimhleas, whether it be the making or the unmaking of me.
Bhí sé ag ~ean siar na gcluas léi, he was making up to her.
Ag déanamh lín, making linen cloth.
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