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~ a fháil ar rud, to get an opportunity to do sth.
Má thagann sé i do bhealach gar a dhéanamh dom, if you get an opportunity to do me a favour.
Ná cuir do leas ar ~, don’t let opportunity slip from you.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine (ar rud a dhéanamh), to give s.o. the means, an opportunity (to do sth.).
An fhaill a choimhéad, to watch for an opportunity.
~ a fháil ar rud, to get a chance at sth., an opportunity to do sth.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine (ar rud), to give s.o. an opportunity (to do sth.).
An ~ a thapú, to seize the opportunity.
Failliú ar an ~, to let the opportunity slip.
Níor dhún D~ doras riamh nár oscail Sé ceann eile, [’God never closed one door without opening another’, God never shuts out opportunity.
Breith ar an bh~; an fhaill a fhreastal, to seize an opportunity.
An fhaill a ligean thart, to let an opportunity pass.
Nuair a tháinig an fhaill, when the opportunity occurred.
Níor leis ab fhaillí é, he did not let the opportunity pass.
Ná ~ do dheis, don’t miss your opportunity.
Ag ~e na faille, waiting for an opportunity.
Ag ~ ar dhul ann, waiting for an opportunity to go there.
Gach ~ sholais, regularly; at every opportunity.
Fanann fear ~ le séan, ‘the lucky man waits for the lucky moment’, luck is largely a matter of opportunity.
~ do dheis, seize your opportunity.
Ná tarraing a theanga ort, don’t give him an opportunity of abusing you.
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