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pós, v.t. & i. Marry. Duine a phósadh, to marry s.o. An fear a phós sí, the man she married. An sagart a phós iad, the priest who married them. ~adh go hóg, to marry young. ~ta ar, le, married to. Tá siad le ~adh, they are to be married. Níor phós sé riamh, he never married. Duine gan phósadh, unmarried person.
Tá sé in am aige pósadh, it is time for him to get married.
~ an phósta, nuptial Mass.
Tá sé san ~ agat pósadh, it is time for you to get married.
Tá sé in ~ a phósta; tá ~ a phósta aige, he is of an age to get married.
Pósta agus ~, married and single.
~ chearta an phósta, restitution of conjugal rights.
~í pósta, marriage banns.
~ shingil, phósta, spinster, married woman.
Tá siad ar tí pósadh, they are about to marry.
Tá sé ag brath ar phósadh, he is thinking of getting married.
Ó chuaigh ~ pósta uirthi, since she wore her wedding gown, since she married.
Tá a chlann i m~ a bpósta, his children are approaching the age of marriage.
~ Nollag, pósta, Christmas-box, wedding-present.
~ is pósadh ann? What is marriage?
An méid a chaith siad le pósadh a n-iníne, what they spent on their daughter’s wedding.
~ pósta, permission to marry.
Tá an lánúin (pósta) ~te, the couple are united in marriage.
~ an phósta, marriage knot.
~a an phósta, conjugal rights.
Ní ~ go pósadh, marriage can be quite a cross.
Pósadh a cheiliúradh, to celebrate marriage.
Chuir sé ~ pósta uirthi, he asked her to marry him.
Ag ullmhú ~ a bpósta, preparing for their marriage.
~ breitheanna, póstaí, básanna, register of births, of marriages, of deaths.
~im go bhfuil siad le pósadh, I hear they are to be married.
Pósadh ~, temporary marriage.
Bhí ~ mhór leo an lá a pósadh iad, they had a great retinue of guests on their wedding day.
Pósadh, íobairt, a chríochnú, to consummate a marriage, a sacrifice.
~ an phósta, the marriage yoke, wedlock.
(Bheith) idir ~ is pósadh, (to be) between betrothal and marriage, engaged to be married.
Pósta nó ~, married or single.
Pósadh ~, lawful marriage.
An bhean a ~ dó a phósadh, an bhean a ~ a phósfadh sé, the woman he nearly married.
Go n-éirí do lá, do thuras, do phósadh, leat, may your day, your journey, your marriage, be a success.
~ pósta, wedding ring.
D’fhaomh sí a phósadh, she consented to marry him.
~ singil, pósta, single, married, man.
~ pósta, dowry-land.
Pósadh gan fhios iad, they were married in secret.
~í (pósta), banns (of marriage).
~ pósta, promise of marriage; engagement.
~ pósta, married love.
Do ghrá a phósadh, to marry the one you love.
Pósadh í, she got married.
Bean a ~aidh (le pósadh), to ask for a woman’s hand (in marriage).
Pósadh ~e, Shrovetide marriage.
An bhfuil ~ aige ar phósadh? Has he any word of getting married?
~ a bpósta, their wedding-day.
~ phósta, married couple.
Pósadh iníon leis, a daughter of his got married.
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