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Lig fad an adhastair leis, give him plenty of rope.
Lig ~ an téad chugam, lower the rope to me.
Ar cheann téide, at the end of a rope.
Súgán a ~adh, to retwist a straw rope.
Téad a bhogadh, to slacken a rope.
~ téide, slackening of rope.
Thóg siad an bhó den bhuarach aige, they took his cow from her stall-rope, seized his cow.
3. ~ shócaid, sprit-rope.
~ cnáibe, (length of) hempen rope.
An chaismirneach a bhaint as an rópa, to take the twists out of the rope.
Rópa, snáithe, a chasadh, to twist a rope, a thread.
Cuir ~ eile sa téad, give another twist to the rope.
Bhain sé an ~ as an téad, he untwisted the rope.
~ súgáin, the twisting of a straw rope.
Súgán gan chasadh, (i) untwisted (straw) rope, (ii) spineless person.
~ ar rópa é, fasten it to a rope.
Rud a cheangal le rópa, to tie sth. with a rope.
Cuir ~ de rópa air, tie it with a rope.
~ téide, sreinge, end of rope, of wire.
Éadach, sacán, snáth, rópa, ~e, hemp cloth, sack, thread, rope.
Choimeád an téad, the rope held.
Rópa a choinneáil, to hold a rope.
~ de rópa, a turn of a rope.
~ casta i dtéad, snarl in rope.
Rópa a chornadh, to coil a rope.
~ de rópa, coil of rope.
2. Corr shúgáin, chasta, throw-crook, rope-twister.
8. ~ súgáin, throw-crook, rope-twister.
Tabhair fad a chúrsa dó, give him plenty of rope.
~ de rópa, strand of rope.
~ de rópa, de chábla, loop of rope, of cable.
~ a chur ar rópa, to loop a rope.
Cuir ~ de rópa air, loop a rope round it.
Rópa a dholadh, to loop a rope.
Coirdín ~, cord-line; light rope.
~ snáithe, téide, strand of thread, of rope.
A fhad, a dhá fhad, sin de rópa, a rope as long, twice as long, as that.
Téad, snaidhm, a fháscadh, to tighten a rope, a knot.
Má bhriseann na fáisceáin síobfar an coca, if the binding-ropes part the cock will be blown away.
~ téide, tightening of rope.
Súgán ~each, straw rope for securing grain-heap.
~ maoile, rope tied over top of load.
D’~ as an téad, the rope slackened.
Téad ~, weak rope.
Má lagaíonn an téad, if the rope slackens.
~ téide, slackening of rope.
Faoi ~ na téide, within reach of the rope.
Rópa leathair, hide rope.
Rópa, sreang, a ~ean, to pay out a rope, a wire.
Súgán a ~ean, to feed a straw rope.
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