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~ chainte, brevity of speech.
Caint ~, extravagant speech.
Caint ~, ready, witty, speech.
Caint ~, pithy speech.
~ chainte, shortness, pithiness, of speech.
Ag déanamh ~e ar chaint, ar bhéasa, copying speech, manners.
Ag ~ (ar chaint, ar dhuine), imitating (speech, s.o.).
~ (chainte), incoherent speech.
Caint ~, rugged speech.
An chaint, speech.
Nuair a fuair mé an ~ liom, when I recovered my breath, my speech.
2. Ag ~ ar dhuine, mimicking s.o.’s speech.
Tá ~ ar a theanga, he is indistinct of speech.
Teanga bhachlógach, indistinct speech.
2. ~ chainte, coarse speech; vulgarity.
Abairt, caint, bheacht, exact expression, speech.
~ taobh amuigh de ghob, insincere speech.
Caint bhealaithe, unctuous speech.
Caint, teanga, bhearrtha, cutting tongue, speech.
~ cainte, ceoil, sweetness of speech, music.
Caint gan bhlas, poorly articulated, insipid, speech.
Tá ~ agus dath ar a chuid cainte, his speech is clear and colourful.
Caint bhlasta, precise, telling, speech.
Is ~ a labhair sé, he spoke badly, made a poor speech.
Caint bhorb, rough, rude, speech.
~ cainte, trick, turn, of speech.
Caint, teanga, bhréagach, lying speech, tongue.
Caint bhríomhar, forceful speech.
~ cainte, ceoil, gift of speech, music.
~ a chuid cainte, the substance of his speech.
Tháinig an chaint leis, dó, he managed to speak, recovered his speech.
Chaill sé an chaint, he lost his speech.
D’aithin mé a chaint, I recognized his speech, voice.
~ mhall, ghéar, bhriste, slow, sharp, broken, speech.
~ na ndaoine, common speech.
Ranna ~e, parts of speech.
~ focal nó dhó, speak a word or two; be reserved in your speech.
chan used with other parts of speech)
~ chainte, flippant speech.
~ chainte, clatter of speech.
~ chainte, clever speech.
~ fuaime, cainte, hearing of sound, of speech.
4. ~ (chainte), muttering (speech).
Caint a chogaint, to slur speech, mutter.
3. ~ cainte, slurring of speech; muttering.
Caint choimhthíoch, strange, outlandish, speech.
Caint chóir, proper, decent, speech.
Tá ~ cainte aige, he is concise in speech.
6. Caint chrochta, affected speech.
~ cainte, accuracy of speech.
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