Dúirt mé liom féin gurbh fhearr dom fanacht sa bhaile, I said in my own mind, I considered, that it would be better for me to stay at home.
Tá a máthair aici, she has her mother (staying with her, helping her).
D’~ mé é fanacht sa bhaile, I pleaded with him, begged him, to stay at home.
Fan i m’~, stay near me, help me. (Of time)
Bhí mé ar ~ acu aréir, I stayed with them, was their guest, last night.
Suigh agus déan d’~, sit down and stay a while of the night.
Fan ~ ón tine, stay away from the fire.
Fan, tar, ~, stay, come, here.
Níl bac ort fanacht anseo, there is nothing to prevent you from staying here.
Fan ina bhail, stay with him.
Cá bhfuil tú ag ~t fút? Where are you staying?
D’fhan sé i m~ a mháthar, he stayed to take care of his mother.
Cárbh fhearr duit fanacht anseo? Would it have been any better for you to stay here?
(Tá) a chead aige fanacht nó imeacht, he may stay or go as he pleases.
Tá tú i g~, you are all right; stay as you are.
Tá sé ~ maith agat fanacht, you may as well stay.
Fanacht in aice na cloiche, to stay close to shore.
Fan de mo chóir, stay near me.
Is é ) mo chomhairle duit fanacht uathu, I advise you to stay away from them.
Ní dhearna sé stad (mara) ná ~, fos ná ~, sos ná ~, (go), he neither stopped nor stayed (until).
~ ina cónaí, stay-at-home.
Fan sna ~a acu, stay with them, follow them closely.
Chothaigh an lao cois na bó, the calf stayed close to the cow.
~ seasta, upright; main-stay.
Mo chreach nár fhan sa bhaile, I regret that I did not stay at home.
Déan do chuairt, stay for a while.
Fanacht ar an g~, to stay in the background; to lie low.
An ~ a sheasamh, to stay the course, to stick it out.
Is ~ leis fanacht, he is reluctant to stay.
Thug sé ~ aimsire san arm, he gave long service, stayed a long time, in the army.
B’fhearr duit go mór ~ fanacht sa bhaile, it would be far better for you to stay at home.
Ná ~ amach na páistí, stay close to the children.
Fuair sé a bheith istigh, he was allowed to stay for the night.
~acht in áit, to stay in a place.
~ istigh, amuigh, anseo, sa bhaile, stay in, out, here, at home.
~ againn tamall, stay with us a while.
~ i do thost, stay silent.
~acht as amharc, to stay out of sight.
~acht (amach) as trioblóid, to stay out of trouble.
~ amach as na poill sin, stay out of those holes.
amach) uaidh, stay away from him.
Baint, cur, fút in áit, to settle down, stay, in a place.
Ach ~ gur fhan sé, note that he stayed nevertheless.
Nach bhféadfá fanacht? Could you not stay?
Tá ~ air fanacht uaim, he had better stay away from me.
Ní ~ dóibh fanacht anseo, they can’t stay here.
Thug sé ~ dom fanacht uaidh, he warned me to stay away from him.
~ ar do lámh, stay your hand.