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ón trá, as an tobar, up from the strand, out of the well.
Ar bhéal, i m~, an bhóthair, na trá, fronting the road, the strand.
Tá sé céad slat as seo, míle ón trá, siúl uaire chun na páirce, it is a hundred yards from here, a mile from the strand, an hour’s walk to the park.
Lasmuigh de bhriseadh na trá, beyond where the waves break on the strand.
Ar chiumhais na trá, na mara, on the edge of the strand, of the sea.
Bhí an bád caite ina ~ ar an trá, the boat was cast as a hulk on the strand.
Tháinig siad isteach ~ na trá, they came in by the strand.
~ de rópa, strand of rope.
~ róin, strand of horse-hair.
~ snáithe, téide, strand of thread, of rope.
~ ghainimh, trá, seaweed growing on strand.
I bh~, ag ~, le chéile faoi dhul chun na trá, vying with each other as to which of them should go to the strand.
Ar ghaire trá, convenient to a strand.
In imeall na trá, at the edge of the strand.
~ trá, cladaigh, outer strand, shore, exposed at low tide.
Míle ~ ón trá, a mile in from the strand.
1. Bád ~e, wrecked boat, wreck; stranded hulk.
~a trá, wavelets on strand.
Ribe róin, (i) strand of animal hair, (ii) shrimp.
Ribe ruainní, strand of animal hair.
Tá a theachsan cois na trá agus a dteachsan ar an ard, his house is by the strand and their house on the hill.
An bád a shaothrú isteach ar an trá, to haul the boat on to the strand.
Tá an trá, an sceir, ag ~adh, the strand, the reef, is becoming exposed.
~ mé síos chun na trá, I took a quick run down to the strand.
An bealach ~ chun na trá, the way down to the strand.
Thug siad ~ síos chun na trá, they dashed down to the strand.
Bhí ~ breá againn cois na trá, we had a fine walk along the strand.
Tabharfaidh an cosán sin go ceann na trá sibh, that path will bring you to the head of the strand.
Dul síos i bpoll, chun na trá, tríd an urlár, to go down into a hole, to the strand, through the floor.
~ ar an trá, sa ghleann, faoin droichead, ag béal na habhann, down on the strand, in the glen, below the bridge, at the mouth of the river.
Bhí an bád ag ~im ar an trá, the boat was drifting towards the strand.
Fágadh ina shuí ar a thóin é, he was left sitting there with nothing to do, left stranded.
~ gruaige, strand of hair.
~ chorr, ruacan, sand-eel, cockle, strand.
~ feamainne, (portion of) strand for, covered with, seaweed.
Ní imeoidh an ~ is an timpeall orainn, if we can’t go by the strand we can go round, we’ll manage one way or another.
Thriomaigh míol mór ar an trá, a whale was washed ashore on the strand.
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