Tá ~ aige a ordóg a dhiúl, he has a habit of sucking his thumb.
~ ordóige, base of thumb.
Bheith faoi chaimpirín ag duine, to be under s.o.’s thumb, domination.
Bhí sé ag ~adh a ordóg ar a chéile, he was twiddling his thumbs.
B’éigean a ordóg a choscairt leis an duán a bhaint aisti, his thumb had to be cut open to remove the hook from it.
Bheith faoi ghad ag duine, to be under s.o.’s thumb.
I n~ a ordóige, in the crook of his thumb.
~ méire, ordóige, finger-, thumb-, nail.
Leabhar a mhéarú, to thumb a book.
Ag caitheamh ~, throwing small stones, pebbles (with finger and thumb).
Caith ina mhéaróg é, cast it with finger and thumb.
Níl ~ m’ordóige ann, he is not as big as my thumb.
Tá sé faoi ~a uile, his fingers are all thumbs.
Bheith faoina ~ ag duine, to be under s.o.’s thumb.
~ caipín, eiteach, sciathánach, cap-, wing-, thumb-, screw.
Bheith faoi shlat ag duine, to be ruled by s.o., to be under s.o.’s thumb.
~ méire, ordóige, centre of whorl of finger, of thumb.