~ aeir, bus, éalaithe, mara, trádála, air, bus, escape, sea, trade, route.
~ oideachais, tionscail, trádála, educational, industrial, trading, board.
Aonach ~, brisk (trading at) fair.
Ag ~, working as a craftsman, at a trade.
Dul le ~, to take up a trade.
~ a fhoghlaim, a chleachtadh, to learn, practise, a trade.
Ag obair, oilte, ar do cheird, working, skilled, at one’s trade.
Tá gach uile cheird aige, he is a Jack of all trades.
Is é sin a cheird, that’s his trade; that is how he conducts himself.
Ní lia ceann ná ~, many men many trades.
Rath do cheirde ort! May you prosper at your trade; may you get your deserts.
Chleacht sé an cheird sin as a óige, he followed that trade from his youth.
~ oibre, ceirde, practical experience of work, of a trade.
~a imeartha, scríbhneoireachta, na ceirde, tricks of play, of writing, of the trade.
~ íocaíochtaí, tráchtála, balance of payments, of trade.
Duine a chur le ceird, to put s.o. to a trade.
An cheird a ~eadh roimhe, the trade he was set to.
~ le ceird, one who abandons his trade.
Tá a dhintiúir aige, he has his indentures, is fully qualified; he is a master of his trade.
~ gach ceirde goid, thieving is the worst trade.
~ a dhéanamh, to practise a skilled trade.
Gach uile dhuine agus a ~ féin aige, everyone to his trade.
~í trádála, trade returns.
~ trádála, trading enterprise.
~ ceachtanna, teangacha, ceirde, the learning of lessons, of languages, of a trade.
Tá a fhoghlaim déanta aige, he has learned his trade; he is experienced.
~ íocaíochta, trádála, balance of payments, of trade.
~áil le ceird, le feirmeoireacht, le cearrbhachas, to take to a trade, to farming, to gambling.
Do ghairm a chleachtadh, to follow one’s trade.
Dá mbeifeá i do mháistir ar do cheird, if you were a master of your trade.
~ le ceird, practised at a trade.
Imeacht le ceird, to follow a trade.
Margadh, trádáil, ~, home market, trade.
~ trádála, trade journal.
~ trádála, trade concession.
Dul le léann, le ceird, to take to learning, to a trade.
~ thrádála, trading-ship, trader.
Tá sé ina mháistir ar a cheird, he is a master hand at his trade.
Trádáil mharbhánta, stagnant trade.
Cuireadh le ceird as a ~ é, he was put to a trade as a youth.
~ le gach ceird, master of all trades.
~ trádála, trading vessel.
~ trádála, restraint of trade.
Teanga, ceird, a thógáil, to pick up a language, a trade.
~ ceirde, learning of trade.
~ earraí, eallaigh, ola, trade in goods, in cattle, in oil.
~ earraí, trading in goods.
~ ghuail, olla, coal-, wool-, trade.