~a geala, white-crested waves.
I m~ toinne, on the edge of the waves.
Tá siad á m~ ar bharr toinne, they are being tossed about on the waves.
Bráithre bána, (i) white-crested waves, (ii) grubs of bees.
Tá na tonnta ag ~eadh faoi thír, the waves are breaking on the coast.
Lasmuigh de bhriseadh na trá, beyond where the waves break on the strand.
~ farraige, huge, tidal, wave.
~ sléibhe, toinne, crest of mountain, of wave.
~ na gaoithe, na dtonn, the roar of the wind, of the waves.
5. Capaill bhána, white horses, crested waves.
Tonnta ~a, white-crested waves.
~ cnoic, toinne, crest of hill, of wave.
Chiúnaigh Sé na tonnta, He stilled the waves.
~ocha san fharraige, ‘walling’, swelling, waves.
~ farraige, swelling wave.
~ farraige, swelling wave.
~ lántonnach, leath-thonnach, full-wave, half-wave, rectification.
Ag comhrac na mara, na dtonn, combating the sea, the waves.
~ uisce, toinne, talún, surface of water, of wave, of land.
Uisce criostalúcháin, water waves of crystallization.
Ag ~eadh anonn is anall, ó thaobh go taobh, shaking, waving, back and forth, from side to side.
Tá siad ag ~eadh chugainn, linn, they are waving to us.
Chroith siad ciarsúir, bratacha, linn, they waved handkerchiefs, flags, at us.
~ isteach, anall, ar ais, air, wave him in, over, back.
~ slán leis, wave him good-bye.
~ na sruthán, na dtonn, the murmuring of the streams, of the waves.
~ na habhann, na dtonn, the foam on the river, on the waves.
Ag damhsa ar bharr na dtonn, bobbing on the crest of the waves.
Ag éirí ar bharr toinne, rising on the top of a wave.
~ cainte, gutha, gaoithe, toinne, sound of speech, of voice, of wind, of wave.
~ fionn na farraige, the white-crested waves of the sea.
~ gutha, gaoithe, toinne, ceoil, the sound of a voice, of a wind, of a wave, of music.
Gabhra lir, réin, white-crested waves.
Na tonnta a ghearradh, to furrow the waves.
I n~ toinne, in the trough of a wave.
Ar ~ thar na tonnta, riding the waves.
~ na dtonn, the sound of the waves.
~ na dtonn ar na carraigeacha, the lapping of the waves on the rocks.
Tonnta ~a, continuous waves.
Coigeartú ~, half-wave rectification.
2. ~ (farraige), long curling wave, comber.
~ toinne, trough of wave.
~ na dtonn, the motion of the waves.
Mhaidhm an tonn tharstu, the wave broke over them.
~ na mara, na dtonn, the churning of the sea, of the waves.