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Tonn ~, receding wave.
~a geala, white-crested waves.
I m~ toinne, on the edge of the waves.
Tá siad á m~ ar bharr toinne, they are being tossed about on the waves.
Bráithre bána, (i) white-crested waves, (ii) grubs of bees.
Tá na tonnta ag ~eadh faoi thír, the waves are breaking on the coast.
Lasmuigh de bhriseadh na trá, beyond where the waves break on the strand.
~ farraige, huge, tidal, wave.
~ sléibhe, toinne, crest of mountain, of wave.
~ feirge, wave of anger.
~ na gaoithe, na dtonn, the roar of the wind, of the waves.
5. Capaill bhána, white horses, crested waves.
Tonnta ~a, white-crested waves.
~ cnoic, toinne, crest of hill, of wave.
Chiúnaigh Sé na tonnta, He stilled the waves.
~ocha san fharraige, ‘walling’, swelling, waves.
~ farraige, swelling wave.
~ farraige, swelling wave.
farraige, huge wave.
~ lántonnach, leath-thonnach, full-wave, half-wave, rectification.
Ag comhrac na mara, na dtonn, combating the sea, the waves.
~ uisce, toinne, talún, surface of water, of wave, of land.
Uisce criostalúcháin, water waves of crystallization.
Ag ~eadh anonn is anall, ó thaobh go taobh, shaking, waving, back and forth, from side to side.
Tá siad ag ~eadh chugainn, linn, they are waving to us.
Chroith siad ciarsúir, bratacha, linn, they waved handkerchiefs, flags, at us.
~ isteach, anall, ar ais, air, wave him in, over, back.
~ slán leis, wave him good-bye.
~ bratach, flag-waving.
~ na sruthán, na dtonn, the murmuring of the streams, of the waves.
~ na habhann, na dtonn, the foam on the river, on the waves.
Ag damhsa ar bharr na dtonn, bobbing on the crest of the waves.
~ toinne, crest of wave.
Ag éirí ar bharr toinne, rising on the top of a wave.
~ cainte, gutha, gaoithe, toinne, sound of speech, of voice, of wind, of wave.
~ fionn na farraige, the white-crested waves of the sea.
~ gutha, gaoithe, toinne, ceoil, the sound of a voice, of a wind, of a wave, of music.
Gabhra lir, réin, white-crested waves.
Na tonnta a ghearradh, to furrow the waves.
I n~ toinne, in the trough of a wave.
Ar ~ thar na tonnta, riding the waves.
~ na dtonn, the sound of the waves.
~ na dtonn ar na carraigeacha, the lapping of the waves on the rocks.
Tonnta ~a, continuous waves.
Coigeartú ~, half-wave rectification.
2. ~ (farraige), long curling wave, comber.
~ toinne, trough of wave.
~ na dtonn, the motion of the waves.
Mhaidhm an tonn tharstu, the wave broke over them.
~ na mara, na dtonn, the churning of the sea, of the waves.
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