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(Na) ~ fáilte, great welcome.
Is é do bheatha, Dé do bheatha, you are welcome.
Is é a ~, is é ~ na mná uaisle, she is welcome, the lady is welcome.
Is é ~ toil Dé, welcome be the will of God.
Tá [’is é do bheatha’ aige do gach uile dhuine, he has a welcome for everybody.
Nára Dé do bheatha an uair seo d’oíche, bad welcome to you at this hour of the night.
Fáilte roimh bhocht is nocht, everybody is welcome (regardless of circumstances).
Bhí siad ina g~ cuid timpeall air, they were all over him (welcoming him).
~ an diabhail, an donais, an tseaca, roimhe, bad welcome to him.
Bhí fáilte faoi mo chomhair, there was a welcome for me.
Fáilte ó chroí, hearty welcome.
Fáilte chroíúil, cordial welcome.
~ ghearr is a déanamh go hannamh, ‘a short visit and not too frequent’, one should not wear out one’s welcome.
Dé do bheatha, you are welcome.
Ní mhilleann ~ fiacail, a kind word is always welcome.
Fáilte an doichill, churlish welcome.
Ní raibh romhainn ach an ~, we got a cold welcome.
Fáilte dhoicheallach, churlish, cold, welcome.
3. Níl mé ~ na fáilte amuigh, I haven’t been away long enough to merit a welcome back.
Fáilte roimh an ~, it is a welcome acquisition.
An ~ nua, the new (season’s) barley; welcome change of food.
~ a chur roimh dhuine, to welcome s.o.
~ (is fiche, is céad) romhat, you are welcome (twenty, a hundred, times over).
(Na) gártha, tuartha, ~, shouts, signs, of welcome.
~ Uí Cheallaigh, (proverbially) generous welcome.
Den fháilte an fhéile, generosity makes the welcome.
Níl mé aga, dú, fad, na ~ amuigh, I haven’t been away long enough to merit a welcome back.
Tá aga na ~ caite againn anseo, we have worn out our welcome here.
An té nach bhfuil ~ roimhe, he who is not welcome, wanted.
~ a bheith romhat rud a dhéanamh, to be welcome to do sth.
Beir leat é agus ~, you are welcome to take it.
‘Tá ~ romhat!’ ‘Thank you!’ ‘You’re welcome!’
Bheith ~ roimh dhuine, to receive s.o. in a welcoming manner.
Duine fial ~, generous, welcoming person.
Fáiltiú roimh dhuine, to welcome s.o.; to receive s.o. (as guest).
Níl duine dá fhánaí nach mbeadh fáilte roimhe, any person who chanced to come would be welcome.
Fáilte a fhearadh roimh dhuine, to accord a welcome to s.o.
Ní mhilleann dea-ghlór ~; níor bhris focal maith ~ riamh, a kind word is always welcome.
~ fáilte, hearty welcome.
Bheith ~ le duine, to have a glad welcome for s.o.
Duine ~, welcoming, friendly, person.
~ fáilte, cainte, carthanachta, coldness of welcome, of speech, of friendship.
B’fhuar an fháilte í, it was a cold welcome.
Fáilte gheal, joyous welcome.
Is é beatha grásta Dé, welcome be the will of God.
~ a bheith ort roimh dhuine, to be glad to welcome s.o.
Gáire ~, joyful, welcoming, smile.
B’olc an mhaise dom é gan fáilte a chur romhat, it would ill become me not to welcome you.
~ do theacht, I welcome your coming.
Cuireadh na ~tha fáilte romhainn, we were given an effusive welcome.
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